Lurkers say hello.... I know you are out there...

Bryant said:
If ya'll don't chime in and say hello, I will use my hacking ability, find your IP address, look you up and do bad things very bad things to you and your family.... and if you are a paranoid schizo, I am just joking.... ^___^

Bryant that would be fun if it would happen... but it will never happen since you were only joking... :'(

But since you wanted us to say hello. here it is:

Tjabba Tjena Hallå :D
Urban breed said:
It's ok. Just don't ever stop never posting. :grin:
Oh, and yes, sorry, I post way too much to achieve Darg's "Supreme Grand Master Lurker"-status. I may very well be a lowly acolyte-lurker, though. Am I entitled to that title? Darg? Bwyant? Anyone? :)

Well you WERE getting close to lurker status there for a while. Looks like you somehow remebered how o use a keyboard again.

Zhanna said:
Tess and Bari..... give you both a BIG BIG HUG SORRY i can´t come :cry: ... i sooo wish i could.... But, next time sweeties we will rock the place.. :rock:
Love.... Z :wave:

Awwww Lady that totally sucks you can't make it but we'll have a great time next year anyway. :hotjump:
guardian26 said:
:grin: HAHA

I am just glad that you were ragging on the OTHER guy

HAHA!! Are you? Maybe I just changed my story last minute to save you the embarrassment. You'll never know .....................
