To all here that are not English first speakers.....


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Fang (Flo) Gaunerin, Urban, Zeimot and others I am sure I am leaving out....

I have been posting quite a bit here and sometimes I get a little carried away and forget that some people here may not understand English very well and especially do not know certain American English.

Here is my official post in Swedish:

rgiafhgienrn/v' DFrl;guiV ;OHRpsbhu'KWRGH

My post in French, German or any other language other than English looks the same. I don't know your language at all, but I do appreciate the fact that you know mine. If I say anything you do not understand, please ask me to explain it. You should never feel bad about not understanding it as you can see I am not very good with my Swedish at all :loco: I do not mind explaining things using more common words that you will understand. I consider it an honor to meet people from other countries and to share my thoughts with them. :worship:

Oh, I though everyone had their own babelfish nowadays... ;)

But seriously (yeah, right..), I'll bang my head towards the nearest concrete wall the next hour to get the Swedish out of my system... That'll do.
I'm sorry if I unintentionally excluded non Swedish speaking ppl (from/of/outta/...whatever*) the discussion in any way by using the "language of the bold and brave" ;)

*My english ain't as good as I want it to be, please choose whatever word that is appropriate
I noticed a funny thing on boards and also while having trips abroad :

"Nordic" people (germans/swedes/etc.) are usually very good at english language, whereas us Latin people (italians/froggies/etc.) SUCK at it :D
Sure there are plenty of exceptions (not me unfortunately ahah), still it's something quite obvious in my opinion.

Looks like "our" language education here is very weak compared to others.
well Bryant, nice thought :) ..but I have no problem with your English at all (so far that is, hehe)

Fangface said:
whereas us Latin people (italians/froggies/etc.) SUCK at it :D
Sure there are plenty of exceptions (not me unfortunately ahah),
STFU! there's nothing wrong with your English, I don't know why you keep saying you suck at it!? :confused: I have not heard you talking yet though ;)
ahah it's just that I'm a damn perfectionist Gauny ;) I know my english is "ok", still it remains too average to me, I'm never satisfied enough.

And it's way worse when it comes to talking, that's right ;)
I don't think you need to be a 'cunning linguist' to understand your posts.
Besides, I think you only have yourself to blame if you're afraid to ask about what you don't understand. It's better to appear stupid and uninformed than to remain so.
Urban breed said:
It's better to appear stupid and uninformed than to remain so.

You are soo right - ah well in theory that is - but really, in practice how often is that the case. Too often I see dishonest people succeed by making it look like they have knowledge in a specific area, ... the stereotype boss and/or political representative.

Just my opinion, I'm in no way an expert, I'm just an impostor trying to stay ignorant. :err:
Fangface said:
I noticed a funny thing on boards and also while having trips abroad :

"Nordic" people (germans/swedes/etc.) are usually very good at english language, whereas us Latin people (italians/froggies/etc.) SUCK at it :D
Sure there are plenty of exceptions (not me unfortunately ahah), still it's something quite obvious in my opinion.

Looks like "our" language education here is very weak compared to others.
Well Flo, I'll tell you that despite your young age, you are a top quality poster here and at Oldschool. You always post things that are interseting to me. Even Sixx likes you (a guy on oldschool) and he hates everybody. :loco:

Urban breed said:
I don't think you need to be a 'cunning linguist' to understand your posts.
Besides, I think you only have yourself to blame if you're afraid to ask about what you don't understand. It's better to appear stupid and uninformed than to remain so.
That is right but I have a Japanese wife. HerEnglish is great, but still she doesn't always understand some American expressions or American humor. It is normal for me to explain things so I don't mind.

Also the way I look at it is there is no such thing as a stupid question.

I didn't make my post to make it sound like I people did not understand me, but rather to say that if I say something that is really an American saying as opposed to proper English and you don't understand, I don't mind explaining. American English is what I speak. When I talk to those cute Chinese girls on ICQ, I can speak proper English, but when talking metal, sometimes I forget we have people here from other countries.

ZeiMoT said:
You are soo right - ah well in theory that is - but really, in practice how often is that the case. Too often I see dishonest people succeed by making it look like they have knowledge in a specific area, ... the stereotype boss and/or political representative.

Just my opinion, I'm in no way an expert, I'm just an impostor trying to stay ignorant. :err:

AARRGGhHHH !!! I have worked for so many stupid people I want to go hit someone. Most of the managers I have worked for (I am an industrial technician) couldn't manage themselves out of a paper bag if someone put them in one. :err:

Bryant said:
Well Flo, I'll tell you that despite your young age, you are a top quality poster here and at Oldschool. You always post things that are interseting to me. Even Sixx likes you (a guy on oldschool) and he hates everybody. :loco:
ahahah thanks dude, but Sixx is not that mean ;)

And don't worry your posts are understandable, it's no "Shakespeare english"... fortunately ;)
Fangface said:
ahahah thanks dude, but Sixx is not that mean ;)

And don't worry your posts are understandable, it's no "Shakespeare english"... fortunately ;)

Ha ha ha I am just picking at Sixx. He is a good guy but he gets in his "moods." I suppose we all do to some degree.

Urban breed said:
I don't think you need to be a 'cunning linguist' to understand your posts.
Besides, I think you only have yourself to blame if you're afraid to ask about what you don't understand. It's better to appear stupid and uninformed than to remain so.

Ha ha ha Urban, that is GREAT ENGLISH !! It took two days for me to catch your play on words. I will have to remember that one.

Fangface said:
I noticed a funny thing on boards and also while having trips abroad :

"Nordic" people (germans/swedes/etc.) are usually very good at english language, whereas us Latin people (italians/froggies/etc.) SUCK at it :D
Sure there are plenty of exceptions (not me unfortunately ahah), still it's something quite obvious in my opinion.

Looks like "our" language education here is very weak compared to others.
Well I don't think the mastery of the English language is "always" a good thing. Those young Chinese women I meet on ICQ just wouldn't have the same charm without their poor English. Their bad English makes them appear to be so innocent and sweet, but they are smart enough to know that and they play it for everything it is worth. I still fall for it everytime though...... :grin:
