

Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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I was curious whether or not anyone had lyrics of theirs to share. Lyrics, not poetry in the typical sense, as lyrics are typically not as loosely structured (i.e. repetition of chorus parts or what have you)...
Yes, this is my song:

When the sun has wept above the waveless lake
And the mists steal in with ease
Birds wisper her name
Hungry as wolf looking for fame

She lay on a cold stone
Frozen in snow
With her arms crossed
Under a tree of death and pain

Surrounded by trees
And its frozen flowers
She slowly left
Into the world of never

Never leave me
She said as she was diyng
Never leave me
She wispered with pain [fear]
Never leave me...

Under the red sky
And cold trees
She closed her eyes and left the light
Forever to be in darkness
To be in "nothing" of "nothing"

Shadowed in fear
Bleeding tears left my eyes
Going down my face
Leaving worm trace
Silent cry from the middle of hell

This is a Doom Metal song! :)

Any good?
That was good CarcassKreator...:D
I will post one of mine.....
PLEASE let me know what you think!

This Benighted Forest

Before us stands a Dark Forest
We slowly approach the Gate
I will always try my hardest
To keep this path dimly lit

You Venture onward without me
I’m left alone with the dark
My heart is left upon the ground
Alone it awaits leaking blood
Mist quietly enshrouds my body

High upon this mountain
As dusk spreads its golden wings
I peer upon the vast forest
I painfully search for you

Is it me that you fear?
Of is it the light that shines before you?
Is it me that you don’t want?
Or is it the light that shines within you?

You wander on aimlessly
Questions Unanswered
Why can’t you come to me
Wipe the darkness from your eyes

You venture on without me
Wings of fire burn low
Wind blows through your soft hair
As you continue through the circling path

High upon the mountain
As dusk turns to a starry sky
I peer deeper through the forest
Surprised by your shadow waiting behind me
Fingers crossed behind golden tears

With damp eyes the sky cried for ages
And drowned all life in tears
As though washed away
All things I once knew are now gone

Standing in the pouring rain
The tombstones show the way
Lay flowers on your grave
And reach for your love in vain

The world has grown cold
And in the newfound winter
I pledge my life to despair

It wasn't this cold yesterday

Standing in this forsaken city
I bleed myself for all you ever were
Pool beneath your soul
To bathe you in red decay

Pallor, white as your ashen lips
Scorched in my vision
In given time
Pale will be my world as well

The world has grown cold
And in the constant winter
I pledge myself to despair

It wasn't this cold yesterday

Flowers, lain in your name
Withered and turned to dust
Gone to nothing
With fading whispers, shed the world

Its pouring rain
In the meadow of your final dawn
My fear drains away
And you and I are one
I really like that "It wasn't this cold yesterday" in your lyrics Sadistik!
Thanks CarcassKreator, I am not really sure how good they are, its nice to have some judgement...
Cool lyrix everyone!

My lyrics are usually pretty strange and futuristic as this one but I'll post some emotional ones if you want 'em...







You can actually hear me sing the chorus part of this song in the Voice thread!

Stepping outside, my head is down
the moon----flashlight for falling stars.
Aware of my breathing and the wind around,
thinking of the past and its' emotional scars.

Hope shines bright-----and I run in fear of loss,
regret sets in, I need to retreat........I try....
In search of change, at all cost.
At least I've found I'm lost...........I cry......

Back inside to these thoughts, I'm bound
The moon and (the) light from falling stars.
...emptied of hope that fought to be found
still with the past that left all these scars....
a bit rough around the edges but i am very lazy:cry:
In Silence, dreams soar---to sober
Open eyes, glimpse of other worldly
Joy. I relapse into faith-unknown
It surges through me. I enjoy my
Lost hopes. dreams for
Reality comfort me.
So loving and abrasive
You live through and through
And I die with only you.
In god sent travelers
My soul takes a name of reason...(to die)
not really lyrics but something i wrote drunk the other week, as i found it:loco:

I've become comfortable
with my self un-awareness
to the point of a hope-less God
Native;...As I was
my mind fought for truth,
though i failed, I love you
(Earth) My mother of pain and love
surrounded by crosshairs of Oblivion
I sunk beneath you and all,
a shrunk depiction of my
Love for those who dwell in the same
Hell as I.......continue on,
My lovers............
I got.. err.. had heaps, then my dad formatted my harddrive.

This one I call "Waste of a Civilization":

Blessed are the sick, though we are not.

Drowning in filth; hit with the realization that I am part of that filth the final blow. Madness approaches, insanity on the twisted horizon, a foul vulprence of lost souls. Desolate ways of all, depression all the rage. Doomsday Celebration nigh, submissiveness our salvation.

Bell tolls; organs in the mausoleum, darkest days upon us.

Feeling of pain. Down on the ground, kicked and stomped, life of misery, drudgery of life. Morbid curiosity keeps us going, going to nowhere. Sordid ideals seperate us, hindering progress. Swallowing the lie of a better day, spoonfed to us to quell the riots inside of us.

Blessed are the sick, though we are not, driving pain, deep inside, the little death consumes us all. The tolling bell signifies what we have lost, the funeral pyre for mankind, nothing left, all is gone.

Heres a parody of Metallica - Fuel written by me about a friend. I call it "Food":

Gimme food
It is mine
Feed me with what I desire, ooh


Eat on, food smelt
Calorie crash and split my belt
Fast food clerk, cash is dealt
And food is smelt

A hundred kilos plus, through drive-thru, ah
Fatarse, airhead
Eat 'em man, jaw shut tight
Through drive-thru

Ooh, on I eat
Feed this fat machine
Eating burger, fries and shakes
And on I eat
Increasing my weight
Known to cause earthquakes

So gimme food
It is mine
Feed me with what I desire


Buy your food with a loan
Swallow meat, spit out bone
With shiny teeth of chrome
Yeah, oh yeah

Cut the corner, cut the line
Mouth open (o-pen)
Mouth wide
Another foodman with too much
Yeah, holds way too much, much, food, woah

Ooh, on I eat
Feed this fat machine
Eating burger, fries and shakes
And on I eat
Increasing my weight
Known to cause earthquakes

So gimme food
It is mine
Feed me with what I desire

Ooh, yeah

Increasing my weight

Gimme food
It is mine
My desire

Ooh, on I eat
Feed this fat machine
Eating burger, fries and shakes
And on I eat
Increasing my weight
Known to cause earthquakes

Gimme food
It is mine
Feed me with what I desire, ooh

On I eat

This here is one I wrote for a friend, Aimée, who I haven't heard from in ages :( ... here it is:

Apon the wind's and through the window You flew into my dreams Apon feathered wings of love and compassion On you heavens light gleams

Through my fantasies we had lived The perfect life just you and me Through my dreams we had been Roaming souls oh so free

I wake up and live my life Only to be depressed I wake up and miss my dreams In which your skin I had caressed

I roam my day a frail skeleton of lies Wanting a chance of whats not supposed to be I roam the hell I live in hoping That you..That you... That you will notice me

Of a compromise I have thought To get by in my life Of a dream that I had dreamt That you were my wife

To this day I think of you Only wishing to be lost In an eternal dream of Winter heat and Summer frost

A dream that never ends the passion A dream that revolves around you A dream where we can exist and Love is the only thing to do

A dream that never ends the passion A dream that revolves around you A dream where we can exist and Love is the only thing to do

I've got more, ask if you want 'em.
of the ones here that i've read i must say that i really really like the first 3 that were posted.

here's one of mine, its a bit crap but then again its an old one.


I call for you o' light
When darkness clouds my mind (Clean)
Where were you o' light?
When darkness blinds my eye

All these tears I shed
My eyes bleed clear (Clean)
Softly spoken whisper
"You're time will come" (Whisper)

Hide my broken soul
It cannot repair itself (Clean)
As softly I cry
Remember them bleed and die

Running - Running (Low Death)
Bleeding - Bleeding

Ripping across the sky, the demons from my soul
In the vast emptiness the callous demons rise (Low Death)
Burn like fire as the cold blade strikes my flesh
Errupting blood and my life force pumps away

As it seems, the untrue mirror image
Evil lurks behind the human disguise (Low Death)
All attack because the guilty fiend is near
Spill his blood, unintentional satan has to die

Come with your flame to guide me away
Up on your wings through the sky of today (High Death &
Looking at the wreckage of my creation Female)
So I repent to those I have wronged

The anguish of my soul and the pain that it knows
Accumulate to destroy the reminants of my soul (High Death)
A plague on mankind is what I have been since birth
I no longer wish to wound those for whom I care

The bastard in me, my soul raped and it bleeds
In the prison chains of life to suffer for my sins (High Death)
My weeping on the breeze carries to far off lands
Angst filled wails mourning carnage of my conscience

Hidden within my soul
The black spot starts to rise (Low Death)
Equivocal truths I hear
Shadows of past come back

Come back... (Low Death)

Conscience rebuild, to fix what I have broken
And I'm alone (Clean)
I bleed my life through wounds that cut so deep
My life is ending

Shadows come out to clutch at my face
Enveloping me in their crucified grace (Low Death)
Pathetic lamentings on the weeping winds tonight
Never to see picturesque sunrise of light
Something I just wrote on a whim. Not very good, but considering I spent about ten minutes on it. :)

Forlorn Shelter

It happened so sudden
In an instant everything vanished
What I once knew dissapeared
And only the ashes remains

Forlorn Shelter
Help me through the crisis
Become my guide
And lead me to a better life

Burned wreckage defiled my sight
The soul of what was, memories past
How does eternity become finite?
Why must everything die?


Why must I suffer so cruely
Become torn and beaten by shame
And through it all, forced to build
Build a castle. Pristine and pure. My


How will things turn out?
For better or worse?
For good or evil?
Does it matter?

No. It doesn't.
Satan are you there?
I stand gazing upon your lair.

Gates of fire create our shadows.
Behind us the river of lava glows.

Inside the black forest is gentle and moist.
Mild fog distorts our view.
How long untill we see you?

God are you there?
Your castle is so beautiful, I cant do anything but stare.

Gates of gold shine for eternity
But they are shut! (death vocals)

I dont see anymovment within your domain.
Behind me a sea of faces strain upon.

ok..these suck, i tried. :(
Amidst Her Shadows
And there I was
Left standing there
To contemplate what had just happened
I stood there for a moment
Perplexed by all that had gone wrong
How long was I in this hibernal sleep
I gathered myself and probed the area
Not knowing what to do next
I walked through the dense foliage
Until I reached a spot that held great meaning to me
It was the first time I remembered it
Since it had happened
She paused there for a moment
Seemingly blank and devoid of thought
I came upon her somewhat startled
She looked up smiling such a weak smile
She turned and walked away
In a rush these thoughts came to me
As it had been at that time
Her face branded in everything that made me
My actions, thoughts, and every decision I would make
Stained by her face
And that was it
I stopped my soul drained from the thought
Who would think of all that time
I would be as weak as I was
My soul sick of despair and the wanting
And if I could weep at once I would
Though I have no emotion
But that of which I could remember
The blank stare now hit me
The porcelain eyes stained black


Taken away from my plight
Muted cries pierce the walls
Shackled within my prime
Tried of this hate that engulfs me
Releasing it within a sigh
Restless and tired I am of these dull times
Brought me to my conclusion
I was to be set free
Released from my anguish
The anguish that he had brought upon me
There was no turning back
I tried but was only filled with thoughts
The thoughts of the deeds done unto me
I shuddered, tense from the thought
He had won, beaten me beyond repair
His time would come
He would reap what he sows
For he was the one
Who planted me in this ground
This decree I do set forth
For if it is not done unto him
Shall it be his next to kin
Don't have a name yet, nor a chorus.

I come from afar
Beyond the city of the suns
Ive walked a thousand miles
Ive crossed the great river

I tread upon this forest path
Attonement is my quest
I still hear her crying
I still feel her last breath

I crossed the valley's floor
Neath the starlit skies
The northwind howled her name
The forest was her eyes

I climbed the mountains height
I saw her standing there
Moonlight in her eyes
Cascading golden hair

She turned to me and said
"Take me down from here,
I am so cold and it's been so many years"
I took her by the hand
But all I grasped was air
She vanished before my eyes
was she ever even there

Something else I havent' named and all I have is a verse

Hither rose the morn on misty feilds
With Summers sweet caress
The Night hath gone
With Moonlights song
Beyond the mountain crests

This day anew, I venture forth
from the solitude I dwelled
Brooding all and all to be
Twas' only sorrow felt
Share my lyrics i will, Terrible bad they are.

I Stand

I stand, in the deep place
that no one can reach
where life comes to die
where i am not, still

Think nothing, do nothing
Step aside, One more time
As you realize this at last
When my last breath has died

Infinite torture, forever in pain
Words mean nothing, nor would they ever will
Strikes again, apears from nowhere
No one know, this is myself
No one See, this is my mind
Why can you see
why cant you hate Me

It takes all that is left
Consumes my hope, destroys myself
Eating my light, devours the heart
Within a minute, leaves me behind

And then I stand Ready to Die

Because i can never win
Because i can never hide
It just fogs my mind
Until the minutes pass
I tried to run away
I tried to face it again
And again it overtakes
And again i cry
There was something left to try
There was a way, a life
Then it blows in my face
And my path its far away
Should i even stand up?
Should i even care for myself?
If i cannot hold to this
i wonder if this is when

It Ends

The last battle lost
The last hope dead
Where I stop caring
Where I stand...

Until The end...

Murder of Light

Perpetual Night we face
Dread of the week, thou art condemned
I am the one who fear not this night
For the ways of the soul are beyond my wrath

The night we share, thy deepest fear
Prelude to darkness, that burn entangle
The precious dreams, Damned be the gloom
Embrace the end, Fear not the dream
For the very death beholds thee
Thou art condemned

There is no life in me, dismal hope feeds me
Like the vastness infinite, my darkness overwhelms me
The boundary of time, 'tis but a mockery of energy
That feeds the void in me, where a soul once lived 221493

Look at me, look at my heart
this dark faith, Will be hold not
My sin 'tis but a taste of what
awaits thee now, I am thy destiny
Thou art condemned...
Thou art Me!

Now shun, away whit thee!
Night is here for thou and me
The very energy that consumes thy soul
is thy only way to breath

Feel the agony, everlasting
Time is stopped not, by thy foolish hope

This do ends here, but think not of
The wicked ones, that destroyed thy soul
Do what thou most, become what thou most
The beast that preys, on the ways of the light

We most destroy, all that is pure
For 'tis but a lie, that sickens me

Energy of the chaos time
Force within that seeks the dark
Murder of light

There is no life in me, dismal hope feeds me
Like the vastness infinite, my darkness overwhelms me
The boundary of time, 'tis but a mockery of energy
That feeds the void in me, where a soul once lived

Look at me, look at my heart
this dark faith, Will be hold not
My sin 'tis but a taste of what
awaits thee now, I am thy destiny
Thou art condemned...
Thou art Me!

New Dawn

Each day, each night
Hidden away, turned away
Agony that a soul cannot stand
Emptiness, solitude, Despair...

The slowest of Deaths
The Longest of hours
The most disgusting lie
The most hypocrite life

Abnormal Beign, unbearable life
perpetual silence, left alone to die
Monster of hate, Creature of force
life in this place, this is the cost

The slowest of Deaths
The Longest of hours
The most disgusting lie
The most hypocrite life

But they fail to conclude the story
They fail to teardown

Reborn, New dawn
Step aside, deep down inside
In the darkest of hours
overcoming the time
In the slowest of death
Healing force, awaken now

The rotten mind, The insane heart
Follow now the blinding light

Agony, This time will blur
Emptiness, This time will end
Solitude, Turned in strife
Despair, In light will fall
Silence, This time cannot stand
Lies, My soul will push aside

I cannot turn away
Fear its a feather
That the wind of the sun
Will carry away until the end of time

Dont need to hate
Dont need to hide
New Dawn, awakes in time
New Sun, focus of life
Face of the energy
Burns The scars

New Dawn