M Night Syamalan

1. signs
2. unbreakable
3. sixth sense

the new one "the village" looks something like signs ... at least from the trailer

what kind of asshole has a middle name "night"? how shitty...
hahaha .. that's funny ... considering it is coming from someone calling themselves black winter "day" :)
So I saw the first half of Signs again last night on TV. Man, regardless of flaws in the storyline etc, M Night Shyamalan really knows how to build suspense. The wide angle camera shots, the way he pulls back from the scene, or the way the movie is cut in the editing room is remarkable. Even the sound effects in Signs are excellent - very creepy.

M Night Shyamalan is a great, great director. I wonder if he'd be even better if only he were a honky? :loco:
Yeah, that's about what I think of the Village. Now if only it were done by M White Shyamalan...
The Village does look excellent; I'm excited to see it. In fact, it's probably the only movie this summer I'm excited for. I'll see others like Spider-man 2, Aliens Vs. Predator, I Robot, etc, but none of them look remotely as interesting.

A note about Unbreakable. It made $70 million or so at the US box office, which is far more than it cost. But, because it didn't make $300 million like the Sixth Sense, the studio decided not to option the sequels. It wasn't a failure, they were just greedy. Then, when it came out on DVD and VHS, it was the #1 rental for a while and garnered a lot of sales. So, the studio went back to Shyamalan, who had since moved on, and asked him about making the sequels. He said he might, but that a lot of his interest died when his hopes were shot down originally. This is all according to an interview I read with him a few years back. Not sure where things are at now. Hopefully he'll do it someday.
jimbobhickville said:
So, the studio went back to Shyamalan, who had since moved on, and asked him about making the sequels. He said he might, but that a lot of his interest died when his hopes were shot down originally. This is all according to an interview I read with him a few years back. Not sure where things are at now. Hopefully he'll do it someday.
As much as I'd like to see the follow up to Unbreakable, I can't help but feel that Shyamalan has more to offer with new storylines. He is a visionary, and yet he's only released 3 films - quite remarkable. I'd like to see him do a couple more new films before doing any sequels. :cool:
He actually had some comedy movie before the Sixth Sense, so technically that's 4. But I don't think it was really his vision; he was just hired to direct it. I hope he does make them someday, but yeah, I'd be interested to see where else he's going. Maybe he could do one sequel, do some other projects, then do the third movie. Not like he's actually reading this anyway :)
I just discovered this dude had two other movies, one of which starred Denis Leary :kickass: and Rosie O'donnel :yuk: . Titled Wide Awake from 1998. Anybody see it?

The other one was from 1992, Praying with Anger. Probably impossible to find that one now.
Good goat man, I didn't even see your post above mine mentioning the movie. At least it wasn't by name. :loco:
I'd be better off reading this thread backwards... :loco:

Anyway, notice how Signs is in the lead in the poll? I like it a lot, but wasn't expecting it to win the poll...
6th Sense = win
Unbreakable = win
Signs = win
The Village = win

I need to see those other two. Also, I dig his Hitchcock-esque cameos. Clever girl... [/Sam Neill]
I dunno if anyone said this, but I HATE how they called it "M Night Shamalamadingdongs: The Village"

...they don't even call it George Lucas's: Star Wars.