M Night Syamalan

The book maybe. ;) Sam Neill still kicks all kinds of ass though, thanks for getting that reference.
The Village to me was a big fat turd - dull acting ruined the movie for me, particulary from the usually solid Sigourney Weaver. However, I still believe Shyamalan is a fantastic director and has the ability to wow audiences for years to come. My personal faves are Signs and Unbreakable (I could watch those two over and over, while that will not be the case with The 6th Sense and The Village). He's a rare breed these days, not to mention the fact that he uses Philly area locations as backdrops to his stories. :Spin:
I liked "Signs", and "Unbreakable" (to a lesser extant). However, it's hard to top "The 6th Sense".

I think it will be hard for him to ever top "The 6th Sense". When "The 6th Sense" came out, no one knew who M. Night was. They had no idea what to expect, and weren't even looking for a major twist. Now, when people show up to his movies, they are mentally bracing for a huge twist, and even trying to figure it out before they're hit with it. In this sense, as a director, he's lost the element of surprise.

Dark One said:
dull acting ruined the movie for me
That bummed me out at first, but I think the dullness was part of the puritan aspect of the village, since it was one of those "what would happen if" movies, even the particular language used became stripped of ahh, color. For lack of a better word.
One Inch Man said:
That bummed me out at first, but I think the dullness was part of the puritan aspect of the village, since it was one of those "what would happen if" movies, even the particular language used became stripped of ahh, color. For lack of a better word.

Even if it was intentional, it was just TOO "colorless". I did not find any of the characters compelling enough to sustain my interest.
The dialogue used in The Village sounded outright fucking stupid even in the context of it being "old times" or some shit like that. New scriptwriter pls!

The movie looked cool as fuck, and the story sounded awesome. I was tired, so I only saw half, but I'd like to see it again.
hahaha ... it is still sitting on my coffee table. will have to read this one day.
I guess the cartoonish cover of the boy and his tiger in the boat does not have much pulling power for me to pick it up ... although I have a feeling that I will thorouly enjoy it once I do.
JayKeeley said:
So has anyone read Life of Pi yet, or am I to walk the earth alone in my own private twilight zone dementia?
You dirty bitch, I'll bet you still haven't read The Satanic Verses and you're bugging about this!? :loco:

My copy showed up the other day, it looks like a quick read so I'll probably read it after Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Dark One said:
The Village to me was a big fat turd - dull acting ruined the movie for me, particulary from the usually solid Sigourney Weaver.

This is interesting. I actually liked the acting, for some reason I thought it fit the mood of the film. I was even disappointed when Bryce Dallas Howard (the blind girl?) wasn't nominated for an oscar. I thought she did a tremendous job.

With that said, it is my least favourite Shyamalan movie, and even then, it's still a great film. Like you say, that is a testament to his genius.

(I actually guessed what The Village was all about halfway through, which is a shame. All the others though, I had no idea what to expect, so maybe that explains why).
When did he say this because I can only remember the game warden saying that before the raptor jumped on him??? Please give me a specific scene because being a movie fanatic I must know details.

Also I liked all of his movies, because its not the same shit that we see in just about every other movie.

Anybody seen CONSTANTINE yet???
JayKeeley said:
(I actually guessed what The Village was all about halfway through, which is a shame. All the others though, I had no idea what to expect, so maybe that explains why).
Yeah I guessed them shitz about 30 minutes in, and I've never been good at guessing anything in movie plots, because I like to be surprised.
When did he say this because I can only remember the game warden saying that before the raptor jumped on him??? Please give me a specific scene because being a movie fanatic I must know details.
I think it was in part III, but I have no idea. Haven't seen Constantine yet but Hellblazer >>>>>>>>>>>>> many many things.