Mac or PC

I mostly had problems with Windows taking way too much time to boot (at least compared to the ~10 seconds it takes to boot this thing now) and some programs not functioning, crashing, and the problem I sometimes had: I had to install "drivers" everytime I inserted an USB-stick. There are professional grade XP laptops in use at my school, and they seem to have the same kind of problems I used to have, and they technically easily surpass my MacBook. Inferior components? At least they work.

I am happy for you if your Windows works well man. Me, I've lost my trust towards Microsoft over the years.

It's funny how my MacBook boots pretty fast, but I also remember how this thing was also pretty fast to boot:


Makes me think there's a technological gap of some sort in between...
It's a variety of things really, that eventually culminate to a system that's unstable and/or lacking in its potential performance.

Quite often people will be running to much background tasks (which are loaded upon start up) which means you're bound for trouble sooner or later, because almost every program installs some pretty unnecessary things running in the background. Or they have dead registry entries slowing down the system... if you want to really streamline your system, you gotta know how to work the registry to a certain extent. And the system properties of course.

And yeah I have been fixing systems where people really did randomly delete some crucial files. :lol:

Or they don't know how to proper install and uninstall... including drivers. There's a manual for a reason.

Or people simply not running an anti virus program and a firewall. And there are still people who don't secure their Wifi.

Or people who mess with their BIOS, even though they have no clue. Or people who never defragmented their HDDs.

90% of these problems really boil down to extremely bloated systems.

I had problems, eventually seriously slowing down the boot time of Windows, even though I never messed with anything I wasn't supposed to, defragmented my HDD, (from now on none of this will you need to do on mac) did proper installs, had proper antivirs and firewalls (not the Windows one.. also I do have an antivirus installed on this mac)...

But I didn't really clean up my registry. It was the worst thing ever. Thank fucking god there's no registry in OSX. Would you think that's the reason why most of the PCs I encounter, do not work well?
Well, it's hard to tell if you can't check that very system in person... but it could have been very much part of the problem, quite possible. It's such a common problem people have been experiencing with Windows, that it takes longer and longer to boot after a while and that the system seems to become less responsive and quick as a whole. And yeah a lot of that is due to a bloated system with corrupt entries, data etc.

It's just not dead obvious and if you'd only been doing what you ever did and your system slows down more and more (even though you held on to the standard care routines) it's natural for people to blame the OS first.

So yeah, by no means do I think that Windows (up to Vista) is on par with Mac OS as far as general usability goes. Maybe Windows 7 is on par now. But if you really know how to work the OS, you can actually embrace these freedoms to tailor yourself a Windows that is highly customized to your needs.

And that's what I've been doing. It always takes me roughly a day to get a fresh installation of Windows to where I want it to be. But once that's done, it just works like a charm.

The netbook I'm writing this on, is now about one and a half year old and it never even once crashed or slowed down. It boots up in a few seconds and that's one a 900 Mhz Celeron with only 1 GB of ram. And I've even used this machine to do on-location recordings.

My other computer is now 5 years old (there's even an ancient 20 GB HDD in there) and it's the same thing. Never a single problem.
The PCs people seem to have problems with these days are of the Vista era... I don't remember having problems with lighter/older computers... It feels like the newer ones couldn't handle the power they held within themselves. Might be bullshit, but that's what I think.

I guess the whole point of OSX is that you don't really need to customise it, as I never did, on purpose. Since I don't usually play games, I don't really see the advantages of the Windows 7, but as you said, they're probably pretty much in par with each other.
vista32 black is what i meant by modded, it's fantastic. and i have windows updates permanently disabled. do not care about a security hole in windows media player enough to let it spontaneously start downloading patches mid-tracking session. i haven't had a viral/spyware problem in atLEAST several years. but FWIW, I also used to work at this place PC HealthStop (makin $10/hr :erk:) about four years ago, and I was a technician, and probably 3-5 times a day I'd just have the task of cleaning up viral/spyware ridden PC's. I've also been A+ certified since I was 17, so driver maintenance/cleanliness is a non-issue.

That's not to say that on a bi-weekly basis i comb through my registry and that's the only way to keep a PC clean... on the contrary, I insist on ZERO mainentance and that's why it stays clean...heh. It makes sense in my head...and it works. Bad things don't happen to PC's until the user allows it to or until someone specifically and directly targets YOU (rarely the latter, unless you have lots of really nerdy enemies) and it's NOT that difficult to prevent bad things from getting in. If you're gonna use torrents, read all the comments on it before downloading. And i actually just remembered, I lied about having no spyware protection at all,

adblock plus plug-in for firefox is ALL YOU NEED and is EXTREMELY un-obtrusive and simply relies on a blacklist of known-malicious sites/ads. not a pop-up blocker or nonsense like that. 4chan gold, right there.

and, again, i still believe that the superiority of a Mac is due 100% only to its all-propietary hardware, which is ofcourse a HUGE plus, and enables alot of flexibility in programming where in PC land development needs to take place with a very general and open-ended hardware architecture in mind.

the VERY ROOT of the debate, is whether or not the propietary hardware (and general sexyness / hipness ) of a mac JUSTIFIES the large price bracket. For some people it DOES, and for others, it does not, and it comes down to the buyer needing to make an educated decision his or herself. and HOPEFULLY from now on, the buyer will be educated in ways other than starting a thread asking about it...anywhere. haha.

RULE OF THUMB: if you're not sure, or need to even ask in the first place, it's probably best to go mac. if you can afford it. if you can't, you won't be disappointed with windows either. as has been stated over and over, one isn't necessarily better than the other. believe us, if it were, you'd know, and this debate wouldn't exist.
I'm not entirely convinced we're really disagreeing that much, we all know the strengths and weaknesses of each system now, so it's fairly easy for someone to look through this thread and follow the discussion and gain enough understanding of how the 2 systems differ, and choose which one suits them. It's probably been the most civilised and informative mac vs PC thread ever probably :lol:

Sounds like user error to me, either in terms of having Vista tweaked wrong (or loaded with spyware), or just the fact that he was using Vista in the first place :loco:

Great article! Thanks for posting it. Made me realize I really am one of the monks among people.

My favorite part:

I'm not buying one, so shut up and go home. Go back to your house. I know, you've got an iHouse. The walls are brushed aluminum. There's a glowing Apple logo on the roof. And you love it there.

:lol: :lol:
Why are Microsoft's advertisements always so terrible? And how could they think of something as fucking stupid as a "Windows 7 launchparty"...

It's either this or obvious slander against Apple in commericals where they don't need to set an educated opinion, but have a person that's really an actor in reality, form an opinion by like first sight, to make people think their first impression about the Apple products is correct.

And while I think some of the Apple's infamous "Mac & PC" commericals are mildly funny and sometimes clever, they're mostly pretty bad. Why is there such gay music in the background? Like trying to make the commerical seem playful and lift it over pointless bashing of another company? And I hate how their reputation as a fashionable/trendy company is very much self-produced. Plus "Let's put a dot in the end of every marketing line to make it seem more intelligent and witty".

They both should just stop advertising.
Why are Microsoft's advertisements always so terrible? And how could they think of something as fucking stupid as a "Windows 7 launchparty"...

It's either this or obvious slander against Apple in commericals where they don't need to set an educated opinion, but have a person that's really an actor in reality, form an opinion by like first sight, to make people think their first impression about the Apple products is correct.

And while I think some of the Apple's infamous "Mac & PC" commericals are mildly funny and sometimes clever, they're mostly pretty bad. Why is there such gay music in the background? Like trying to make the commerical seem playful and lift it over pointless bashing of another company? And I hate how their reputation as a fashionable/trendy company is very much self-produced. Plus "Let's put a dot in the end of every marketing line to make it seem more intelligent and witty".

They both should just stop advertising.

I found a solution to little annoyances like this years and years ago.

It was surprisingly simple. Turn off the TV. :loco:

nonsense... i stay online all day, and have no protection software at all.. i go anywhere i want and click on anything i want.. i don't even think about it. just try that on a PC with no protection software. g'head. idoubledogdareya.

not saying that there aren't Mac viruses.. there are, and always have been... it's just that's there's so few that it amounts to "immunity", since you have about as much chance, statistically, of your dog spontaneously combusting as you do to get a mac virus.

hint: ALL CAPS, for more than a word or two at a time, doesn't give your words any more weight... it's just annoying.

anyway, didn't we put a moratorium... or even a permanent ban, i think.... on new threads with this subject some time back? let's enforce that.
anyway, didn't we put a moratorium... or even a permanent ban, i think.... on new threads with this subject some time back? let's enforce that.

but i do think this thread has been rather constructive considering the topic...

plus its an ever evolving topic, taking into account win 7 and what not