Maiden Australian Tour.

Thw Wicker Man was fucking unreal... Such a cool song to sing along with!
I enjoyed that concert so much.
I would go as far as to say that I liked it more than both shows I saw on the SBIT tour...
The 3 guys I went with disagreed but they are not very familar with the newer stuff.... more fool them.
I did tell them before hand and burnt them the albums a few months back....
Just an amazing show. Flew over from Adelaide, worth every cent.

I know everyone has a fricken camera phone etc, and you all probably get as sick as I do ploughing through rubbish youtube footage, but my mate is quite chuffed about how these came out so enjoy (an apologies if you were just behind us cursing the idiot with the camera in front of your face!)

Coming Home:


Sattelite 15/TFF:


The Trooper:


Blood Brothers:


Iron Maiden:




Running Free:

I only watched Running Free but wow, that's great quality. Might try and film Dance of Death tomorrow - loved what they did with that, lighting-wise.
Melb gig was definately amazing. Even though I didn't look at the setlist, I guessed 70% or so of it anyway. 2 Minutes To Midnight and The Evil That Men Do were my favourite surprises, other highlights being The Wicker Man and Dance of Death. A little disappointed with only one song from DoD and nothing from AMOLAD, but oh wells. The main disappointment in Melb was the crowd/venue though. Such little atmosphere compared to last time, and such little enthusiasm for the most part. Took nothing away from the bands performance, just the night in general. Despite the new material (which I love) they didn't top the last tour for me, but maybe Soundwave will change that. I am most looking forward to Soundwave due to the sound sucking for the first few songs. I want to hear El Dorado LOUD BABY.

Rise To Remain surprised me. For they style, they were really very good I thought. The guitarist needs to calm the fuck down and learn some melody, but overall I quite enjoyed them.
I enjoyed Rise to Remain more than I normally do bands in that genre. At least they all know how to play their instruments. Good luck to them. At least there's less pressure on young Austin than if they were playing classic metal.

Thought there was less atmosphere than last time, but then in 2008 they played at the bigger Rod Laver and played only old stuff. I thought the post 2000 songs were great though.
Just got home from Soundwave.

This was my first experience at a festival and it was... interesting. Not sure they're for me.

After finally seeing Black Swan at the Barracks (using my free ticket I received in July 2010) I headed over to the RNA Showgrounds for the big show. Even though I don't drink I went through the wristband queue just in case the drinkers had better food options. Got my wristband and a map and timetable. Ooh, Monster Magnet were starting shortly.

Had a bit of a wander and saw Feeder playing Stage 2. Not bad actually. Went into the drinker's section and after a bit of wandering around managed to find a food booth. Got some chips and a Coke - if I was going to wear the wristband then I might as well drink something stronger than water. Ate the chips - AWESOME - and quaffed my beverage before heading to Stage 1 for Monster Magnet.

I had only heard a greatest hits album which I bought in anticipation of their set - I had never heard them before - and lucky I did because they played four or five songs from it. My god, what an awesome set. Monster Magnet are now one of my favourite bands. I will endeavour to see them whenever they come back to Brisbane. Excellent.

Bullet For My Valentine were next so I decided to go for another wander. Decided to check Stage 4 where Slayer would be playing later. Devildriver were playing and the crowd there was HUGE. Woah. Bought a bottle of water and then went for a sitdown in the covered stands. I had never heard Bullet For My Valentine before but I must say I was quite impressed.

Next up were Stone Sour. Decided I should head down so I could get a good spot for Slash. He was after Primus who were after Stone Sour, but was on the same stage as Stone Sour so I figured once the Stone Sour crowd cleared out I could get a good spot. This resulted in a sore arm. For some reason the mosh pit bits are fenced off - signs said NO DRINKS and NO KIDS UNDER 15 or something like that, so I guess it's to protect people. However, when there are too many people in there they don't let others in, so the gates were closed. I was right against the gates as a large crowd built up behind me. Finally Bullet For My Valentine finished and as the crowd from that set cleared they finally opened the gates. This resulted in me getting pushed up against the gates because THEY DIDN'T OPEN ALL OF THEM. I managed to get through without breaking an arm. Grr.

Stone Sour were meh. Didn't do anything for me. Neither did Primus who were after them. Not my thing at all.

Stood near the stage while Primus played on the other one. My plan was brilliant. Had a good position when Slash came on. A great set with four Gunners songs thrown in, plus a Slash's Snakepit track and a Velvet Revolver song. The other three were from Slash's new solo album (guessing they were - two definitely were but they didn't mention the first song of the set). I then went to get more drinks and also check out Slayer.

Got drinks but there were thousands of people waiting for Slayer to start. The only reason I was going to see them was so I could say to someone's grandkids one day (I doubt I'll have any of my own) that I saw them play with Gary Holt. I wanted to sit down though and there was nowhere to sit, so I went back to the stands to sit down and witness one of the biggest jokes I've ever seen.

Don't get me wrong, 30 Seconds to Mars are a very talented band. It's just that they've been saddled with Jared Leto, a complete tosser who seems to have picked up frontman tips from The Wiggles (with a lot of profanity thrown in). He's an OK singer I guess, and it's easy to get lost in his deep blue eyes, but I can't take any frontman seriously when he invites fans on to the stage ("The next five people to crowdsurf their way to the front can come up!"), or gets everyone to crouch down low and then JUMP. I was waiting for him to break into a game of Simon Says. Jiminy Christmas.

One Day as a Lion were on next. I decided to do my trick from earlier by heading down and then getting a good spot while the following band, Queens of the Stone Age, were on. One Day as a Lion is the band with Wossname from Rage Against the Machine. They did nothing for me. Not anywhere near as good as One Day as a Scarecrow but much, much better than One Day as a Tin Woodman.

Went up closer to get a spot for Maiden but it seemed plenty of others had the same idea as me. The crowd were already coming in and I knew it was going to get ugly once Queens of the Stone Age, a band whose songs all sounded the same, were done. Oh dear. I knew I was in trouble as soon as Maiden came on because I literally could not move from where I was standing. Eep. I decided people would start pushing around a bit once 2 Minutes to Midnight came on and would give me a bit of room to move, and they did. I moved further back and all was sweet. I was worried there for a bit though.

I don't know what happened but I'm blaming Queens of the Stone Age for going five minutes over time. Bruce said that they had to be done by 10 due to the curfew (the RNA Showgrounds are literally across the road from the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital). Hmm.

It was the same set as other shows and the band were in fine form. The only noteworthy thing of the main set was that Eddie didn't come out! They moved the walkway to let him throw but he didn't show. Bruce and Steve were confused, especially when they moved the walkway back.

Show went on and it was almost 10. Running Free didn't have any talky bit in the middle except for Bruce introducing the band. They then finished and made a hasty exit. Nicko was even throwing drumsticks two or three at a time.

Anyway, that's my Soundwave review. I won't be going to another festival unless there's a band I absolutely must see. Just not my thing.
Monster Magnet are a really awesome live band, can't wait to see them twice next week! I am sure I recommended them to you about 12 months ago Spiffo, glad you have come around!

Australian festivals just have a hectic vibe that I don't really get into, must agree with ya there. I still go to them for the music, but I know what ya sayin. European festivals however...
I hate festivals so much, but went along mostly to catch Coheed and Cambria and Maiden.

Coheed were amazing. I stood and watched about three songs of Maiden and left. Meh. They're not the band for me they used to be.

I think I'm at the stage where I'd rather just kick back and crank Somewhere in Time than catch what I thought was an energetic but pretty sloppy sounding performance.
Went to Brisbane soundwave.

No Eddie!
I was dissapointed. I saw the show techs moving things getting ready for him.... and then nothing! Would have made the night even better.

But apart from that the show was really good. No one was really singing any of the post 2000 stuff from where I was, but it was a great set!
Yeah, not a lot of singing along to the post-Blaze stuff where I was either, except for The Wicker Man. Damn it, I almost called it The Wickerman which is a real pet hate of mine. He's not a friggin' superhero!

After a bit of thinking I've decided I'll go back to Soundwave next year if there are enough bands I like. Kind of looking forward to it actually.