Make a Wish thread

I wish the police would finally find that damn corpse in that lake near us... :yell:
I'd love to go for a swim, but somehow I don't feel like going there :rolleyes:
No one knows, if it was a murder, or not. I bet it was again some drunken idiot, at least that wouldn't be the first one to drown in that lake :Smug:
Well how long ago was this? If it's been a while then there might not be much of a body left. It would have become... one with the lake

oh go ahead and swim, it's good for ya : D

Seriously one of the greatest things about Finland was swimming in a lake after a nice sauna session.. and drinking.
Ahh..Bless that place
wish I was still there... : /
That's just the point... No one knows, how long has this corpse been in there :ill: And they've been searching for it about 2 weeks now.
Some woman saw an arm in the water and the police brought a dog, which smelled that there is a corpse in the water. They narrowed down the area where to seach based by that dogs reactions.
But the prob is that the lake is very deep (about 40 meters) and there are a lot of strong currents, so it can be on the other side of the lake by now.
Damn that IS a deep lake.
well.. I hope the situation gets resolved hastily,
for the sake of those around the lake AND the deceased
..oh and for you of course, since the one thing your little heart wishes for this day is to one day be able to swim again.. you have my pity

: D
Actually it doesn't really matter anymore... It's so damn cold in here now, that I would be crazy, if I wanted to go for a swim now :ill:
Though it would be nice, if they found him/her before next summer :p

I wish it was warmer in here again... I loved the heat we had here this summer, but now it's gone :cry: