
Lithium said:
Granted, youll play guitar instead, and you'll accidently drop it, it will break. You'll get pissed, kill your fam and all of your friends, burn down some houses, end up in jail being raped by 50 cent's brother, get out after 67 years and finally kill youself. Shouldn't you just do yer homework boy?
why?? i'd be like AµGAl3ks1!!! ;)
Lithium said:
Granted, youll play guitar instead, and you'll accidently drop it, it will break. You'll get pissed, kill your fam and all of your friends, burn down some houses, end up in jail being raped by 50 cent's brother, get out after 67 years and finally kill youself. Shouldn't you just do yer homework boy?

I wish I was immortal


granted, you're not done 'unsmiling' to people!

I wish I had passed my final exam...
Granted, Alexi would call u on stage to ''preform'' a blowjob on him, infront of 1000's of ppl

I wish my strat had 24 frets
Granted, Alexi would call u on stage to ''preform'' a blowjob on him, infront of 1000's of ppl

I wish my strat had 24 frets
granted but theres no point it currupting it cause you have a strat haha.
granted but it was 16.03.2012 and you would be in aleksis manor giving janne a blowjob

i wish i could play guitar like vai
Granted - when you return all teachers are more strict and you can't keep up with the grade so you fail

I wish I could play guitair as well as Alexi can
granted, joonas would fuck you.

i wish i had more time for playing guitar
granted but your fingers bleed and you end up having to stay off guitar for two weeks

I wish Could buy a RAN guitar
granted, you would die together with it

i wish it wasnt WOAD who started that thread