Making an Argument for Spelling

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Yeah, let's just label it as "variant" and not "wrong" when you're too stupid to look in a dictionary to find a word you don't know how to spell, or just too stupid to know how to spell in the first place.

Yay for the bleeding hearts! Making the world dumber and promoting laziness and stupidity a little bit more every day.

I almost fell out of my chair when I read this: "In the 21st century, why learn by heart rote spelling when you can just type it into a computer and spell-check?"

This guy must play WoW.,8599,1832104,00.html
There is no doubt that it's valid, but the nature of language softens the blow somewhat. Throw in some linguistic psychology/evolution and it's quite possible that the declining standards of grammatical skill are right and correct.
There is no doubt that it's valid, but the nature of language softens the blow somewhat. Throw in some linguistic psychology/evolution and it's quite possible that the declining standards of grammatical skill are right and correct.
So, they go hand in hand with decline in intelligence? Modern English isn't a decline from middle, nor is middle from old. What's going on now isn't linguistic evolution so much as intentional laziness and ineptitude.
It's been too strict since the invention of the printing press anyway, before that it was a spelling FREE FOR ALL. good riddance.
So, they go hand in hand with decline in intelligence? Modern English isn't a decline from middle, nor is middle from old. What's going on now isn't linguistic evolution so much as intentional laziness and ineptitude.

Aye. "Phantasy" changing to "fantasy" is one thing; not giving a shit about standards and just spelling words however you feel is another.
English has been a slapdash, mongrel language for a very long time. Our spelling and grammar conventions are hopelessly archaic and inconsistent. I have no objection to an overhaul of the system that favors phonetic spellings.
Go tap out your condensed conversations on your cellular phone and leave us to our intelligent, spelled out musings then, fool!
So, they go hand in hand with decline in intelligence? Modern English isn't a decline from middle, nor is middle from old. What's going on now isn't linguistic evolution so much as intentional laziness and ineptitude.

It depends on your viewpoint. It's possible to read many situations that could be categorised as "declining" as simply evolving. It's not always best, just whatever stays around the longest.

It's also arguable whether modern English is worse, by whatever standards, than languages that have came before it. I'm only in the shallow end of linguistic academia, but many believe that English lacks the expression and flexibility of older languages. Whether that's because it's not all that old itself, or because it is intrinsically weaker, I'm not sure.
ye letter "thorn" needs to once again rise from antiquity and crush ye modern bastardizations of such in its wake.
Well, I happen to consider modern English somewhat clunky. I prefer older usages, but that may be as much personal preference as anything else.
Regardless, why is that that the only promoters of condensed English are the retards themselves, and perhaps a few liberal assholes?