Except that there's not a single band out there that has ever used it as anything but a fucking gimmick, whereas there are legions of bands using death vox alone that can be pointed to as serious artistic heavyweights.
Yeah, there's no pseudo-gothic bullshit in THIS band:
I notice they're signed up for the 'Metal Female Voices Fest' in October, which is very possibly the most gimmicky thing I've ever heard of. Hey, it's a festival of chick singers! We're not promoting this on the basis of something totally irrelevant, or anything. Nosiree!
Hmm... You're either very picky, or I've been very lucky to not find any bands where neither of the vocalist is good.I've dabbled in the Beauty and the Beast genre, and I've found it mostly irritating. Neither vocalist tends to be particularly good at their respective style...like they couldn't cut it on their own being the sole vocalist of a band. Not for me.
However.... calling a festival that features female lead singers gay is way off. I was in a band with a female lead singer. Was it a gimmick? Partly. She was hot, and dudes would show up simply to see her. Dudes who were, obviously, not gay.
Hmm... You're either very picky, or I've been very lucky to not find any bands where neither of the vocalist is good.
Mainly I've listened to Theatre of Tragedy (older stuff) and Tristania (also their older stuff) and I find neither of them to have particularly bad singers. Especially Liv Kristine Espenaes in Theatre of Tragedy (former, since she left the band), has a beautiful voice. I even like her solo stuff.
I'd recommend giving the following albums a try:Hey, Stilgar. I might be really picky. I also may not have given the genre enough of a try. Bands I've tried: Sirenia, Penumbra, Battlelore... I feel like there's more...Anyhow, the snippets I've heard of other bands hasn't convinced me, and I feel like I was led astray when I followed recommendations and got discs by the above artists. I might actually believe you, though, Stilgar. Older Tristania is worth checking out? I feel like it's a genre that has potential.
The Sins of Thy Beloved is ok (I have their first album). But in my opinion not quite on par with Theatre of Tragedy and Tristania during the same years.
Oh yeah. I totally forgot about them. I actually have that album too.Another male death/female clean I forgot - On Thorns I Lay: Orama.