Males and Females

If I take two, generally one is really quick. I have trouble sleeping if I am too dirty. I am always doing something physical so it's necessary. Plus if I don't get one in the morning, I have trouble waking up mentally and I'm groggy the whole day.
Same as Mathias. My showers are generally less than 10 minutes long, but I have to take one in the morning. If I'm camping, then I splash cold water on my face.
Im not sure what you mean by living in So Cal as a waste, everyone wastes no matter where you live. However, I cant tell you how many times I see a sprinklers watering the asphalt and it pisses me off. If I had the power to turn off the water or fix that shit I would. Thats why I hate lawns so much. A complete waste of a fuckton of water.

All I can do is lead by example which is why I cut back on my usage and waste, have a compost, working on building my own garden (already have a few fruit trees), use a reusable water bottle etc. People think its stupid, but whats actually stupid is not doing your part to reduce. Howre we to preserve our planet for future generations? By reducing our carbon footprint and influencing others to do the same.

Definitely off topic but I agree man. I don't even have grass in my yard, I have raised beds full of vegetables and fruit. Grass is something I pull out of my yard, it's a weed. Home grown food does not get wasted and it's far cheaper and healthier and fresher.

I wish landscapers for schools and businesses would follow suit. Think of how much water is wasted to keep growing useless bushes and grass and trees. They could be growing fruit trees, strawberries, veggies, etc etc. If you're going to grow grass at least grow wheat grass or something. Students would have free food, homeless people would have free food..

On topic: I had sex twice today and now I feel lazy as fuck.
lol after reading the last page, some of you are fucking disgusting

I typically shower twice a day because the area I live in is hot as shit, walking is my main method of transportation these days AND I lift weights. Also a good deodorant/antiperspirant is essential.
Yea, lot of dirty mofos around here. I shower every morning when i wake up. I also shower after working out and playing sports/running around, but those are two things i haven't done much as of late. I used to also shower after a long, hard, dirty day at work but that is no longer a problem, as i currently dont have a job. Morning showers are a must though, can't fully snap out of my morning daze without it.

Laundry depends on a few things. If i just wore a shirt and hung out around the house, drank beers and did nothing all day ... why the fuck would i wash it? But if i've been putting in work in it all day, then yea, it's probably going to get tossed in the laundry basket.
While I don't use antiperspirant (our bodies are supposed to sweat), I do use deodorant. I'm a sweaty man, so it's easy for me to smell like ass
Mathiäs;10926300 said:
How can you possibly not use deodorant? I can't stand people that don't. They always smell like ass.

The only time I smell bad due to sweat is when I wear the same clothes whilst running several days in a row, letting them dry out in between. I run alone, and I can't smell shit whilst doing so anyway, so it's irrelevant.

I've been with enough women and have outspoken enough friends and family to know that exceptional circumstances aside (like hiking/camping hard through bad weather or festivals) I don't smell like ass.

I've had a fair few women say that 'my smell', whatever it is, makes them feel safe or happy and things like that.

Who is comforted by the smell of ass?

And surely it's likely that you just don't notice people that don't use it, and when you do notice someone's stank and question it they fall back on 'I didn't use any deodorant today lolol' as an excuse for their dodgy physiology and/or diet.
Yesterday my girlfriend insinuated that I fucking FAKED AN ORGASM. Like I'm some fucking female whore. Ridiculous.
New topic: Would you guys fuck someone from your family? Who would be the closest?
I shower at least everyday, sometimes twice. I smell good all the fucking time, even when I don't.
My girlfriend is a bit more "European" in that she showers less regularly and personally I love it.