Males and Females

Dude, the way you're trying to rationally debate her into accepting your dick is the exact same way my faggot rapist friend would try to convince me to let him suck my dick.
I don't even live on the same continent as her. I've somehow gone through life so far without asking a woman about their sexuality, so I was kind of wondering.
OK, I thought you've had sex with several women so I'd imagine you'd have some knowledge regarding female sexuality. Asking a loaded question like the one above clearly shows you're seeking more than just information, even if you intention is merely to masturbate to the conversation rather than cross the ocean and engage in coitus for the purpose of regularly and mutually increasing each others self-esteems.

I mean, I'm an actual kissless virgin so I can understand the appeal of asking such questions from both angles, but you're being really obvious and autistic in your delivery. Pretty soon you're going to start posting "pls respond" when she starts ignoring you.
I have no real emotional investment in the correspondence, unlike if I'd messaged a girl who lives in my town on OKC or something. I know what you're saying, but no, it just sounds like that. Also, you're retarded if you haven't even kissed a girl on the lips, there are loads of slutty women who like snogging virgin guys for the lulz and would probably fuck them too, just meet some, unless they're rare in America or something.
I'm too far gone at this point tbh. Just reading the word "snogging" is giving me a major erection, I haven't seen that word in such a long time. Intimacy and affection are so foreign to me that I now feel a repressed sexual response to them. I'm largely to blame, of course, and feed my perversity by watching JAVs and skipping to the scenes where the girl and the dude are making out and doing all the crazy tongue gymnastics they often do because that stuff turns me on so much more than watching intercourse these days. If a girl were to kiss me in any way more than a brief peck she would undoubtedly notice my bulge and fear what deviancy exists in my mind.
Its like the Special Olympics of Sex going on in here.

^ fuck! Seriously hahaha!

SS- I don't care about why or why not I'm having a one night stand. I've never intentionally gone out to find someone to have one with.
Sex isn't always an ego boost either. It's just not a huge priority for me. If it happens cool, if not whatever. I don't care.
^This a thousand times. never understood why some people act all fucking crazy when they haven't done the deed over an extended period of time.

Seriously. Men hit their sexual peak in their 20s and women in their 30s maybe I'll care more about it later in life but for now it's no big deal. Also if ppl know how to "take care of themselves" I think it helps. Haha :)
I'm 35 (36 in a couple of months) and my sexual appetite is stronger than it was ten years ago. But, if I have to go without sex, it's not a big deal. Like you said, there are other ways to take care of business if the urge becomes too strong and I don't have someone to do it with ;).