Males and Females

Hung out with that chick again last night, and will again tonight.

We roamed the town drinking tall cans with the intention of going to a bar to celebrate St. Patricks Day, but just walked around drinking in alleys and parks. Went back to her house and shit got hot and heavy, but no fun, she was on the rag.

Which leads me to my question, how often to chicks use the excuse they are on the rag to get out of sex? Is it common or uncommon? (I dont think thats what she was doing at all, just sparked some curiosity)

“But we can do other things” is when you know she's a soldier
Or you can just enjoy the romance of a hot and heavy make out session. Especially if you're just getting to know each other. If you start bangin right away, you lose the fun and passion of learning to do the other shit right, and the (dare I say it) FEELING of BONDING.

But pardon me, my period is due any day now so true love 4ever.
Hey HO BAGS. This is Schmidt.
And to his dick you must submit.
Cuz the dude's obsessed with swords,
and is universally adored.
He masturbates to castles
And will clean your titty tassels
so drop your standards, drop your pants,
and give this seinfield dork a chance.

Copyrighted. :cool:

Srsly though good luck.

Goddamn Detroit sure did rub off on you! That was good.
Hey HO BAGS. This is Schmidt.
And to his dick you must submit.
Cuz the dude's obsessed with swords,
and is universally adored.
He masturbates to castles
And will clean your titty tassels
so drop your standards, drop your pants,
and give this seinfield dork a chance.

Copyrighted. :cool:

Srsly though good luck.

what happened to the girl you lost your virginity to, maybe you should call her up
You never fully understand women no matter how hard you try. That's just the way it is. Sometimes its best to stay in the dark, kids.
I'm dating someone I have amazing chemistry with, but has hurt my feelings big time previously. I am also still having the major feels for my ex.

This is not good. I'm confused and frustrated.