Males and Females

What happened to its nice being single? Neither of these sound like winners btw. Not judging, just feel an ex is an ex for a reason, and someone that hurt you big time? Doesnt sound like either will end well...Proceed with caution...

Things have been going ok with my new prospect. When were alone I really enjoy our time, but when shes with other people around, gets mildly awkward. Might be bc were still freshly dating. Well see. Seeing her again tonight.
Got dinner and drinks with my broad this evening. We've hung out 4 times now, I think I should definitely make a physical move (towards more greasy acts) next time we hang out. I get the sense that she really likes me considering she laughs at virtually everything I say. I also like her enough, despite not getting my little bro super exited. Next time we hang will involve some greasy stuff, I'm sure.
So I'm trying to fuck this chick I've been talking to for a while now, problem is she's a busy gal. Finding the time is difficult. Probably going to invite her over for a movie then go from there.

Don't even give a shit about dating or relationships, 'cause what's the point? Seems like an unnecessary burden. There are other things that are much more important to me to focus on.

One of my favorite Worf moments.

Gonna combo break here and say as awesome as it is falling asleep and waking up naked with my dude, it makes it so fucking hard to start my day. Especially when he works and I don't. Yeah sure I'll just leave this toasty blanket and walk 30 feet in the freezing fucking basement for clothes. It sucks.

Things are over w this potential chick. Last night we went and saw a few Garage Rock and Shoegaze bands, and she was super distant and awkward from the start. I shook it off and was whatever about it, but as the night progressed, it was getting worse and worse...

I passed out in the back seat of her friends car while we went place to place while we found somewhere else to go...And somehow I was "snippy" with her. Still havnt gotten the details, even after asking multiple times of what went down, but the fact that she made whatever comment I said while hammered and woken up, as snippy, and wont tell me, but proceed to be even more distant and awkward throughout the rest of the night, is a clear sign that I shouldnt waste anymore time on this one.

Seriously, I fucking hate it when people are incapable of talking about shit that bothers them.
like whatever maybe if you like cared and like paid attention you'd like know what she was thinking. she's not like ya know a mind reader or whatever. I dont blame her if she can't even and i'm over it for her :rolleyes:

Things are over w this potential chick. Last night we went and saw a few Garage Rock and Shoegaze bands, and she was super distant and awkward from the start. I shook it off and was whatever about it, but as the night progressed, it was getting worse and worse...

I passed out in the back seat of her friends car while we went place to place while we found somewhere else to go...And somehow I was "snippy" with her. Still havnt gotten the details, even after asking multiple times of what went down, but the fact that she made whatever comment I said while hammered and woken up, as snippy, and wont tell me, but proceed to be even more distant and awkward throughout the rest of the night, is a clear sign that I shouldnt waste anymore time on this one.

Seriously, I fucking hate it when people are incapable of talking about shit that bothers them.

In the words of Joe Pesci: "It's da bitches dat'll getchas"
What happened to its nice being single? Neither of these sound like winners btw. Not judging, just feel an ex is an ex for a reason, and someone that hurt you big time? Doesnt sound like either will end well...Proceed with caution...

Things have been going ok with my new prospect. When were alone I really enjoy our time, but when shes with other people around, gets mildly awkward. Might be bc were still freshly dating. Well see. Seeing her again tonight.

First of all, sorry things didn't work out between you and that chick. At least you discovered her true colors sooner than later.

As for the being okay with being single thing...:lol: I really am fine with it but somehow people find their way to me. I'm going to continue seeing this dude even though I have a feeling he'll do something retarded again that will make me red with anger. We have really good chemistry, always have a great time hanging out and the physical stuff is like woah! Kind of hard for me to let go of that.