Males and Females

trap music is underground rap. usually about banging, making money and guns.

i think dancehall may take the cake. in some dance hall parties i've been to (besides just sex with clothes on) i've literally seen women being dragged by their hair across the floor (pass-pasa) and dudes just jump on women.

but this is a baby makin' classic, and way more subtle than the newer stuff.
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No music during my sexing either. We wind up putting on a movie and the magic begins! However, last night was the first time we actually watched something without steamy stuff taking place. It's kind of hard to get worked up while Naked Gun 33 and 1/3 is on :) .
Nothing will surpass his first comedic role in Airplane, back when he was still a serious actor, and had a straight face the entire movie.
It's kind of hard to get worked up while Naked Gun 33 and 1/3 is on :) .

Tanya Peters: You're all man. I like that in my men.
Frank Drebin: You're coming on to me big time, sister. You're preying on me like a kitten with a fresh mouse. And we got a problem.
Tanya Peters: You're Jewish?
Frank Drebin: No. You're Rocko's girl, and in my book that chapter's called "look but don't touch."
Tanya Peters: I could have two lovers.
Frank Drebin: Kinky. But I like my sex the way I play basketball, one on one with as little dribbling as possible.
One ring to rule them all, amirite?

We've been talking about getting married for a while. We've been together four years now. She's the most sane and rational person I've been with. Plus, she's cute, so that doesn't hurt. Time to marry the shit out of her.

Thanks, guys