Males and Females

I saw a pretty girl today and then I saw her sister and she had a larger butt but I wouldn't mind. They had a dog.
We were having beers outside. Went to say hello to horsechick too and then had some beers with those chicks. They had a dog. The dog was running around like crazy for some ball and shit. One time the cunt ran away and ate someone's salad and they were like, we don't even like salad but we would like to keep the wursts. Why do you bring salad to the picnic if you're just gonna eat wursts you hilly billy shitmonger YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO BE NICE ANYWAY I HATE DOGS TOO YOU KNOW they eat shit like it's theirs and smell bad too.

I kinda liked this girl's big ass though. Goddamit it wasn't bad at all. It's not like it's all my fault anyway, I mean, all things. There's all kinds of shit.
Haha, thanks Schmidt. My uncle is gonna officiate the ceremony. He's an 80s hair metalhead, so I guess that'll work

and yeah she can make enchiladas...she just doesn't nearly enough. I do the majority of the cooking

edit: or tamales...whatever
Are there any financial incentives to getting married where you are?

Of my three sets of friends that are/were married, only one did it because they 'believe in' marriage.

Me and my girlfriend have no intentions of marrying. Her parents have been together nearly 30 years without marrying and mine, who've been together a similar amount of time, did it for tax reasons and to appease my mum's side of the family.
I can get on her health insurance, which will save me $200 a month. There's also a tax benefit, but I heard it might be going away because too many single people complained
My partner has no interest in marriage (though she tells me I'm the first person she considered marrying if she changed her mind about it), and that's fine by me. Helps us maintain our independence. We are fervently against having kids at any point, too.

However, if I end up getting a fellowship to study in Italy or Greece for a year while I'm in grad school, the only way to get her to be there with me would be if we were legally wed, so the program I'm in would support her. But that would be a tail wagging the dog.