Males and Females

Congrats unk.

We are fervently against having kids at any point, too.

What's hard about making tamales? My girlfriend makes pretty good ones. They're time consuming and tedious and I can eat like 8 at a time...that's probably problematic.
It was partially a joke, partially not.

Getting the masa to meat proportion right is whats hard. Tried on three different occasions to make em. Each time was a complete failure.
I may be in the minority, but I don't get what the fuss is with tamales. Bracing myself for a raft of 'ah, but you haven't tried the RIGHT tamales' type answers, but to me they taste way to much like corn and not enough like meat
Congrats on the betrothal Unknown Mike. I'm not into the whole marriage thing myself, but if it makes you folks happy, good on ya. I think tying the knot is like a big expensive proof of love. No one in their right mind would do all that unless they really loved the other person, so I can dig the symbolism.

I would like to have a party dedicated to my relationship though, one where people throw money at us.
And where I can have dragon fountains spewing bloody Mary's. Fuck, bloody Mary's are the best wedding beverage. I just want the after party.
Congrats on the betrothal Unknown Mike. I'm not into the whole marriage thing myself, but if it makes you folks happy, good on ya. I think tying the knot is like a big expensive proof of love. No one in their right mind would do all that unless they really loved the other person, so I can dig the symbolism.

I would like to have a party dedicated to my relationship though, one where people throw money at us.

Yeah, the ultra romantic side of me would LOVE to get married one day. The practical part of my brain says "...why?".

On a depressing note, I think I'm going to kill off this current "relationship" or whatever the fuck it is. I spent the night with him last weekend. That morning waking up next to him was lonely and depressing and made me realize NOTHING will ever come out of this thing. I can do better. I need a man with a nice butt who will appreciate me. :)
Thanks :)

Now, I just have to find the courage and right moment to talk to him about this stuff. Or, I could be a dick like he was to me a few months back and just totally blow him off for days.