Males and Females

I did that once (dated a girl who was in an open relationship). But I was in an open relationship too. I wouldn't date a girl in an open relationship if she was the only one I was seeing. The sex was nice but I always felt guarded around her, wouldn't let myself like her too much. If it's just sex you're after it could work. I like some of the other things like companionship and cuddling also though.
Eh, not really. Women have generally been nice to me and I don't mind talking to them in a non-personal way. It doesn't really have anything to do with bullying either. The guy in that video sounds more like a SentinelSlain. Like honestly, I mostly just get lonely, and I don't even care about casual sex and parties and shit. When I watch commercial pornography, I'm someone that skips to the obligatory makeout scene at the beginning rather than the cumshot at the end when I'm climaxing. That's not to say I wouldn't have all sorts of sex if I could snap my fingers and have an automatic harem, but it's not something I really care about.

Although fwiw I do remember having a nightmare when I was only 5 years old of two older girls coming along and destroying a cherished figurine and I think it made me a little paranoid.
Eh, not really. Women have generally been nice to me and I don't mind talking to them in a non-personal way. It doesn't really have anything to do with bullying either. The guy in that video sounds more like a SentinelSlain. Like honestly, I mostly just get lonely, and I don't even care about casual sex and parties and shit. When I watch commercial pornography, I'm someone that skips to the obligatory makeout scene at the beginning rather than the cumshot at the end when I'm climaxing. That's not to say I wouldn't have all sorts of sex if I could snap my fingers and have an automatic harem, but it's not something I really care about.

Although fwiw I do remember having a nightmare when I was only 5 years old of two older girls coming along and destroying a cherished figurine and I think it made me a little paranoid.

This is really honest, inspiringly so.

Over the years I find myself feeling more and more warm to the idea of abstinence.
Polyamorous OKC girl continues to message me daily. I boldly asked to see a picture of her and she gladly linked me to her deviantart page....

Turns out she's a hardcore cosplayer, though not bad looking at all. She has pink hair at the moment.

I was stood up at a brewery where my ex was hanging out today.

In related news, I just deleted my OKC profile.

In other related news, I have a date with a girl next Wednesday that we've both been looking forward to for... 4 months? She was administering a class I was taking and there were fraternization clauses, but her contract ends next Wednesday.
I am like a sexual cactus, thriving in the dry spell I'm in.

Rewatching the series. Such a fuckin gdilf. Honestly... This character gives the usual old hotties like Sean Connery and all the dudes in Deadwood a run for their money. Intense wild man motherfucker who learned it all table topping.
