Males and Females

I texted her last night but didn't get a response. Not feeling too great today actually so I may just text/call her sometime in the next few days.

Or not. I'm pretty sure I was a mistake lol.

Dude if Lemmy tried to fuck me I would give it at least a few weeks before I answered his texts.
Schmidt, too bad about the bloody nose...You shouldve plugged that shit with some toilet paper and moved her on top.

In other news, me and the Brazilian made things official over the weekend. This ones a keeper.

Knowing what I do about Brazilians, I can't see why you'd be a good match.
Well, I've tried to contact the girl I recently banged but to no avail. Oh well.

Hanging out with Midnight Girl this weekend while we terrorize Cornfest. Also, this girl from the city has been flirting with me extra hard, but she's a known flake so I'm taking it all with a grain of salt.
Another Iowa grad student who's into ancient history and other common interests is messaging me on OKC. She was very up front about looking for new partners, so this could become something if we keep up the communication.

The twist is that she's in a polyamorous/open relationship, specifically, her BF is dating another woman at the same time so she's starting to try doing the same thing.

The other twist is that she has no profile picture (she's very cautious with her internet presence), and I have no idea what she looks like. Her profile says she's white and of "average" body type, which could mean pretty much anything. She's at least nice to talk to though and seems to be genuine in what she says about herself.
That said, the semester's now in full swing and, as you guys suggested, I've calmed down about this whole dating thing and taking it in stride, taking what comes my way rather than actively pursuing it.
I tried dating someone who was in an open relationship with her husband and I felt like a creep. She was only looking for the physical part of the relationship but it was still weird. Like, that's all I was looking for at that stage of the relationship but couldn't bring myself to make a move because I felt dirty.