Males and Females

arg, all the power to ya bro. Maybe you should tone down on the smugness and the "my whores" stuff but like yea cool.

I just don;t understand how the hunt isn't part of it for some guys. I also think it's 10x better when you persuade a girl to want you more than you do her.

Even the physically repulsive could get me hard if they casually told me the right thing from across a table.

Exactly. If a girl's a trooper and willing to get on your level it's damn fantastic

Oh, and this girl was pretty clearly out of my league.

awwwwww shit. let's hear it! what's the number!?
Also, I just looked back on the previous page. You guys are slow on the uptake. I've been waiting on Deron to merge my accounts for a while. I've never been an alt of Dodens. He's so grumpy nowadays that he won't even talk to me.

Also, I posted about having my accounts merged previously so I'm surprised nobody but MalignParadigm is smart enough to figure out who I was before today. I also posted when V5 posted my Soulseek chat logs.
thumbs up bro... now get on a strict erection diet and drink tons of water and energy drinks
Also, I just looked back on the previous page. You guys are slow on the uptake. I've been waiting on Deron to merge my accounts for a while. I've never been an alt of Dodens. He's so grumpy nowadays that he won't even talk to me.

Also, I posted about having my accounts merged previously so I'm surprised nobody but MalignParadigm is smart enough to figure out who I was before today. I also posted when V5 posted my Soulseek chat logs.

I only just clued in last night tbh, when I was reading old threads for the hell of it.
I don't believe in Omni, something about the personality makes me think it's a man pretending to be a woman for the lulz.
No. Also pics would only be evidence if they were of her next to her a monitor with UM on it or something.
I just cast a +15 Fireball on this thread. There were some posts that weren't necessarily inflammatory, but they were deleted so that flaming doesn't continue.

Everyone needs to fucking quit with this shit. Stop instigating, stop escalating and stop acting like you're 16 years old and acting like you don't have to be responsible with what you say on a message board because you aren't face to face with the person.

Just fucking stop.


Your somewhat friendly moderator (because I can be a dick occasionally)
so schmidt did you eat her out at least?

it's the polite thing to do when equipment is malfunctioning