Males and Females

Theres plenty of women in the world that dont have a price tag...

Id like to get a hooker, though. Just once so I can see what its like.

Oh. And to do cocaine off her ass. Thats a must.
a very mediocre one of my own race a long time ago

the physical quality of a woman is more important to me than "her wanting me" or "me seducing her"
I don't really think there's any reason to mock the guy for paying for the services of women, because he clearly enjoys it and he isn't hurting anyone else.
Except we're only doing it because he was all superior and shit about it.
I actually think banging whores is fine, who really cares? Just don't pretend like you're some poon slayer based off the whores' reactions.
He's also allowed to have that fantasy if it makes him happy. He's certainly entitled to think the women he's been with are the greatest thing ever as well.

He also directly stated that his normal love life has been subpar.
You are entitled to your opinions. Nobody said that you weren't.

I just think that trying to insult a guy who enjoys something that he pays to enjoy is stupid. That's my opinion.
the physical quality of a woman is more important to me than "her wanting me" or "me seducing her"

The vaguest notion that a girl is interested in me makes me immediately hard even if I wasn't particularly attracted to her beforehand tbh. (Doesn't apply to physically repulsive people of course.) I've literally gotten erections due to someone saying "Thank you" in an enthusiastic voice. Sometimes I can almost kinda sorta vaguely understand those internet wallet doms or whatever they're called, the women that ask men to buy things for them and the dudes literally jack off to the idea of giving a woman money. I'm a total cheapass so that would never happen anyways, and spending money like that is still whoremongering, but I dunno, there are so many perks to being in a position where you are naturally desired.