Males and Females

I haven't figured that out yet. I've got a few ideas in mind but I have till the end of next semester to nail down a topic and write a proposal.
I instantly respect CR just going by that message, you may have lost the chance to take it to another level with her, but at least this individual seems to have their head on their shoulders, quite possibly very promising friendship material at the very least.
Sorry to hear about that there bro, but you just moved back to Iowapolis correct? I'd say just give it some time. Hit up the local bars and try and strike up conversations with people as they grab a drink next to where you are seated.

But IDK. I'm horrible at this shit.
Funny, I posted an Antaeus song on FB and sort of expressed that I was in a state of rage, and IMMEDIATELY one of my fellow Classics grads, a girl I've been attracted to, started messaging me asking if I'm okay, so I opened up to her about it (and about my recent breakup). It really helped console me.

But she's a colleague in my department. WAY too risky.


You're not still trying that master of your domain bullshit, are you? That would certainly explain the anger.
Just because she has a boyfriend it does not mean you can't meet up with her at the coffee shop and have no shot, you might do something and she might want you to be her boyfriend over him. I'm not completely clueless about women. I just think I am going to run into a chick somewhere and she's going to be attracted to me and more vocal. And yes it has happen to me before where a chick is like 'I want to suck your dick,etc... I just like shit to be really basic. I'm not saying all women are whores and she would fuck you in secret, but they have things going on and options all the time.
It's against my personal code of ethics to be a homewrecker. And yes, of course I'll be happy to keep meeting AHG for coffee if she invites me.
zabu of nΩd;11040664 said:
I don't think rare private outbursts amount to a serious anger issue.

Outbursts that have caused the destruction of property more than once are not a common, everyday thing that should be overlooked.
Jeremy man, I say continue seeing CR and being friends. IMO you can never have too many friends who share interests with you.

And hey, if she turns out to later on want something more after she gets settled in town (chances are slim, but hey, slim is better than zero), then awesome. But if not, then at least you got another friend to discuss literature and philosophy with.

Next time I visit we are going to hit up the local dives, find some greasy bar sluts, and crush mad gash, dawg.

Come to Canada, all of you, I know the dirtiest spots. The billiards hall, where on Sundays, the sluts come out for karaoke.
Come to Canada, all of you, I know the dirtiest spots. The billiards hall, where on Sundays, the sluts come out for karaoke

Do these chix get down with "Pour Some Sugar On Me" karaoke and some seductive dance moves? If so, get me a plane ticket ASAP!
what city in canada?

We call it dirty old Brock Vegas. :v

Do these chix get down with "Pour Some Sugar On Me" karaoke and some seductive dance moves? If so, get me a plane ticket ASAP!

On Sunday night I saw a chick slug back ten beers (no joke) through the evening, could barely speak, sloppily dancing, but sing some country songs flawlessly. It was utterly perplexing. It was greasy, but in a hot kinda way.
On Sunday night I saw a chick slug back ten beers (no joke) through the evening, could barely speak, sloppily dancing, but sing some country songs flawlessly. It was utterly perplexing. It was greasy, but in a hot kinda way.
