Males and Females

Or she did it to scare you off which has happened to me before.

I don't think it's worse than the ones who act interested and then pull a 'slow fade' or 'dead in a ditch' and just stop communicating entirely.
Or she did it to scare you off which has happened to me before.

I don't think it's worse than the ones who act interested and then pull a 'slow fade' or 'dead in a ditch' and just stop communicating entirely.

I literally just started screaming and punching things for 3 straight minutes, but now I actually appreciate that she did that. I hate ambiguity and this made things clear.

Here's to Classics Redhead (who i'm chatting with online atm).
Women can be harsh creatures man. I hear stories from women about dudes on OKCupid being creepy but women are on an equal level when it comes to flakiness from my experience. Luckily I found a woman who values being communicative as much as I do.
Funny, I posted an Antaeus song on FB and sort of expressed that I was in a state of rage, and IMMEDIATELY one of my fellow Classics grads, a girl I've been attracted to, started messaging me asking if I'm okay, so I opened up to her about it (and about my recent breakup). It really helped console me.

But she's a colleague in my department. WAY too risky.

You're probably right. At least I'm getting all this out of my system now before the semester starts. I'll have enough on my plate once classes resume.

No need to rub salt in the wound.

I do think it's not an invalid suggestion that Zeph could stand to work on his anger a bit. That sounds pretty serious. Take care of yourself, bro.
WOW. What a fucking day.

Classics Redhead said:
So I feel like I should be upfront with you about something - I am much more in need of friends right now than anything else. I don’t know if it’s a really good idea for me to be seeing someone with romantic/other intentions when I’m so new to town. I am also not sure anything could happen between us in that way regardless, but especially because I think I’m a bit too guarded as an uprooted “lone reed” right now. I don’t have much of a support system here, so latching onto the first person I meet would be both unhealthy and unwise. I’ve really enjoyed talking to you and hanging out with you so far, but I think at this point I’d be better off having you as a friend. I know we only met once, but I wanted the intention to be clear because of the nature of the site we were on. I hope that’s okay. I really do mean I’d like to be friends, I’m not just saying that! However, if you’d rather not go that direction, I /completely/ 100% understand.

Well, I really do appreciate that she was upfront and honest with me barely a day after our first date, and didn't keep me hanging in suspense for any needless amount of time. I respect and understand her reasoning. Maybe you're right, Mike. I should focus on me for a while, and my studies, and not agonize over this shit for a long while.
If there's any good side to it, at least there's no ambiguity with CR. I recommend to definitely keep her as a friend, because who knows what might happen later down the line?

For the time being, focus on you, dude!
Staying friends with her for that reason would be a mistake. I'm not sure about friendship with her, but if she puts effort into it, I'll play along.
Well I didn't mean that you should stay friends with her only for that reason. Having a her as a friend would be good. It sounds like she's intellectual like you and that's awesome. If something should happen later, cool. If not, what harm is there in having another friend?
I have a solid collection of friends here already in my grad school colleagues, two of which are my roommates. I'm pretty happy here socially already.