Males and Females

Date just finished. Met for coffee, then grabbed lunch at a nearby sandwich place. It was a bit awkward at times, partly because of my anxiety and partly because she's a bit spacy/daydreamy, but we certainly had plenty of material for stimulating conversation. She's definitely more of an extrovert that I am, but also generally nerdy too. There were some points where we seemed not to match...i.e. she's highly sensitive to things and I'm rather emotionally dull. Another red flag was when she said that Bach, my favorite classical composer, was her least favorite because she didn't like anything that "followed the rules." Maybe I'm reading too much into that. We do have a lot in common, too, but I think personality is the primary factor in compatibility.

But overall it was pleasant, and she gave me a hug at the end before taking off. She said she's going to be super super busy this semester as she's starting grad school here in Social Work, so who knows how often I'd be able to see her (I'll be busy too). I told her I'm looking forward to meeting her again, hopefully before the semester starts. I'll probably wait a couple days before proposing another rendez-vous.
If this doesn't work out, there's another grad student I've known for a few months. Just got her Master's in Art History, with a specialty in Roman stuff. Pretty sure she's single and she's expressed interest in hanging out at the coffee shop, though she might also still think I'm still with my now ex.
Beard culture is one of the stupidest things to happen in the last few decades anyway and I can't take anyone seriously if they even make me feel like they partake in it.

Oh, and there's a difference between having a beard and participating in beard culture.
At the end of our second date I'll probably ask a question like "do you like me?" at least to determine if she's interested in things going down a romantic route or she would prefer friendship. Best to get that established earlier on.