Males and Females

I like kids but I'm not interested in having any kids. My mom had me in her mid 40s so that could change, but I just don't see it happening. Kids really suck up a lot of your free time and money, and I like to do more traveling and work on my career. Also, I don't think I could take care of another person. It's so much work. Even though I'm a special education teacher, during my free time they aren't in my face and I can focus on other things (or things that involves them without them being there).

I think it's a choice and either way it's a beautiful choice.
I'm interested in having children simply so I can watch Saturday morning cartoons and Dragonball Z with them and not feel ashamed of myself. Just, not anytime in the near future. Right now, I'm too busy getting drunk and eating chicken fingers.
Yea you definitely need to hit up some slow fat girl Tuesdays and get a couple of Friday night patron bitches in. I don;t know if you live near a major city or not but get on Tinder and like every bitch in the vicinity, then do some work
I do live near a major city, but I got scared of Tinder after reading that STD rates have spiked in the past few years.
What city? if you dont mind sharing

Yea, I get the STD thing but all you're really doing is getting out to get to see what you like and experience more, so that's all it has to be.
I'm interested in having children simply so I can watch Saturday morning cartoons and Dragonball Z with them and not feel ashamed of myself. Just, not anytime in the near future. Right now, I'm too busy getting drunk and eating chicken fingers.

There's nothing wrong with that shit. I use to play Mario all the time and video games and about to have my mother find my Nintendo's and playstations,etc.... So I can get back into video games. I'm going to hook that shit up to my new 42 inch flat screen. I have never played video games on a TV this big.
I don't think there's anything wrong with watching cartoons and playing games when you're an adult.
Women are cunts. If you think that being free has to do with some bitch, you might want to think otherwise.
zabu of nΩd;11039963 said:
I do live near a major city, but I got scared of Tinder after reading that STD rates have spiked in the past few years.

Are you specifically afraid of Tinder only or all online dating apps? Because there is not a correlation to just one app specifically lol
Date with Classics Redhead is tomorrow. Not sure how long we're meeting for. Noon at the coffee shop in any case. Going to bring a book of Greek poetry and a set of juggling balls in case we engage in activities I'm particularly good at (as for the third activity, probably not this time).

A bit nervous about this. I even shaved my beard off the other day just in case that's what she favors. If not, it can always grow back.
I think you'll do fine, J. She likes classics like yourself, so there's already a ton of stuff to talk about. Also, I think asking a lot of questions about her and her life is always a good thing when meeting someone new, and it makes you seem more interested which is nice.

Also zabu, nice on getting the role on that play! I do think it's good to date around sometimes. However, it could be just me being bitter but it doesn't always seem like there's much out there. Have a look for yourself, for sure, I mean if you don't feel like committing then absolutely don't. But also, I just think even though you'll meet people who are awesome it doesn't always mean the compatibility is really there.
tfw you think someone is being nice and making small-talk with you because they might like you but then you realize they are performing an assigned duty and are probably just passing time while they wait for you to finish.