Males and Females

I'm a dad, but I respect people not wanting kids.

Oh, I think people who don't want kids shouldn't have them, for the sake of the non-existent kids they would poorly treat. But I don't respect the "decision". It's just another symptom of atomistic selfishness that had defined the last few decades of Western adulthood. Of course, on the flip side, those who do have children often do so also for selfish status reasons.

Edit: And before someone replies "derp having a kid doesn't make you an adult": Of course it doesn't. But there are two reasons most commonly proffered for not having children and one is from ignorance (overpopulation), and the other is from childishness (gonna cut into my partyin!).
I have a child as well and definitely understand why others wouldn't want one. Call it selfish but you only get one life, you should get to live it how you want. Passing on your genes means very little long term. Your great grandchildren are only 12.5% you (87.5% other people) and barely remember who you are if at all.
So, kids are a shitty option because hedonism. Hell, once I die it doesn't matter if my own kids don't remember me because I'm no longer around for it to me. Back to my charge of selfishness. But whatever, I'm cramping the style of this thread of thirsties.
I have a child as well and definitely understand why others wouldn't want one. Call it selfish but you only get one life, you should get to live it how you want. Passing on your genes means very little long term. Your great grandchildren are only 12.5% you (87.5% other people) and barely remember who you are if at all.

You have a kid?

For some reason I thought you were like 18 or 19?
So, kids are a shitty option because hedonism. Hell, once I die it doesn't matter if my own kids don't remember me because I'm no longer around for it to me. Back to my charge of selfishness. But whatever, I'm cramping the style of this thread of thirsties.

1. Why is hedonism necessarily bad (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else)?

2. What is the reason for having kids on a personal level?

3. Why is someone who doesn't want a kid necessarily a "thirsty"? One can have all the sex they want and still not want a kid.

I understand society needs kids so the human race doesn't die out (debatable if this is good or bad also..) but personally why does an individual need a kid? Not everyone needs to have one since some people have more than enough to make up for it. You're not presenting a functional counterargument just dissing ours.
Does it matter what a person's reasoning for not wanting children is? It isn't a "respectable" choice to have or not have kids, it's just a choice.
The thirsty comment was related to the general nature of this thread. I'm thirsty, I just keep it in house with the missus.

Hedonism as a guiding principle is childish. You can be fine with that, but it is what it is. A squirming little newborn is a hedonist.

@Mort: Isn't everything just a "choice"? #nothingmatters

My little brother is having a kid. He is only 22.

I am 25 and have none. Don't want any until I am financially secure and have fully given up my hedonist tendencies.
I've been talking to this chick for a while, we have good chemistry and seems she is into me. But we're both too busy to find time to meet up anytime in the near future.

Ugh, I'm going to be alone for a very...very long time lol. I've accepted it at this point
I'm loyal to the person I'm with and definitely don't party much. But having a kid, to me, is essentially a hobby. A life long hobby, one I'm not interested in. For some its the most rewarding, and good for them, but I personally just have too many other interests to dedicate myself to offspring.

Maybe it is a selfish thing, but keep in mind I rub said boyfriend's back all the time literally and figuratively. So it might be a bit unfair of you, Noum, to jump to conclusions about people like that. You're sounding a bit like a bitter parent right now and you're usually one of the cooler people here.