Males and Females

Hell yeah to krampus. Drop by more missy!

Also :kickass: to everyone having some lady time!

Schmidt, it sounds like it went well. I think you were thoughtful not to make a move if she isn't feeling well and I think if she does have a gluten allergy she'll definitely appreciate that you didn't. Next time no drinking for sure so that you can really gauge (without her being sick) where the relationship is headed.
Checking the ol' Facebook for people in my graduating high school class, to find that a bunch of them are married now. At least six or seven of them got married.


Loads from my year are married. Loads have kids. Although quite a few had kids or were pregnant during the final year (that's when you're 15/16, right?).

Lel. Wikipedia says you graduate 'high school' aged 17/18.
Like... my class has been out for about six to seven years. But now a bunch of them are married. Its dumb.

On the one hand, it makes me think "what am I doing with my life".
On the other, I'd rather be dead than married at this point in my life. Give me till I'm 30 at least.
I don't really have much to contribute. PP and I sign gay songs to each other and make the cat dance (he hates it) every day.

Starting to worry my dude wants kids. He makes random little comments when we have guests, and maybe its just making conversation, but it worries me. I made it pretty clear I'm not the child rearing type all those years ago when we got together, and he felt the same. Really hope he hasn't changed his mind because we have a really awesome thing going.

If it came down to it though, I'd choose remaining childless over him. Just not something I want any part of, from the pregnancy to the birth to the they never fucking go away. Debating bringing that subject up discretely so he realizes just because we live together now doesn't mean I'm suddenly a different person who wants that life.
You have to find the right person to change your mind I think. I never wanted to date someone with children and then I found my girlfriend and I like her so much I'm still with her over a year later. It helps her youngest child is 10 so it's not like you have to deal with them crying all the time and shit.
No pussyfooting. That sort of thing needs to be discussed straight up, outright.

I'm getting worried I'm going to change my mind in 10 years or something.
You have to find the right person to change your mind I think. I never wanted to date someone with children and then I found my girlfriend and I like her so much I'm still with her over a year later. It helps her youngest child is 10 so it's not like you have to deal with them crying all the time and shit.

How old is your girlfriend?
I'm adamantly against having children, even though my parents, who didn't have kids till their late 30's, say I'll change my mind one day.

And I refuse to date anyone who has a child, no matter how many OKC single moms message me.