Males and Females

Fuck beard culture, I hate myself for even having a beard now due to these fucking yuppie twats.

Also I'm gonna be a massive asshole and say that this degree of dating game over-analysation that most of you participate in is probably indicative of why the fuck you're all single to begin with.

I get that some of you have anxiety issues, social awkwardness and specific traits you'd like to find in a partner, but it seems you severely lack the blasé disposition that almost always leads to much more success than desperately trying to pick up on social cues and treating everything in a complicated manner does.

These are interesting to read though.
but it seems you severely lack the blasé disposition that almost always leads to much more success than desperately trying to pick up on social cues and treating everything in a complicated manner does.

Probably explains why you're on a message board in the middle of the night instead of out on a date ;)

You're right though. Too many people treat it like a game and it's because those people are secretly miserable and longing for something they can't get through conventional means due to some deficiency they possess.

I over analyze everything. I don't think people should be penalized for that necessarily. It's more an anxiety or control issue but I've been doing that shit since I can remember so maybe it's innate..
Also I'm gonna be a massive asshole and say that this degree of dating game over-analysation that most of you participate in is probably indicative of why the fuck you're all single to begin with.

I get that some of you have anxiety issues, social awkwardness and specific traits you'd like to find in a partner, but it seems you severely lack the blasé disposition that almost always leads to much more success than desperately trying to pick up on social cues and treating everything in a complicated manner does.

Socially awkward guys overanalyzing the dating game... unforgivable.

Life is full of arbitrary social norms, and dating is no different. These norms come naturally to some people, while others have to make a lifelong career out of learning them.

So it's not complicated to you. Congrats. You're not us, and nothing you say will change that. You do it your way, we'll do it ours.
I consider myself an over-thinker and I'm no wedding crasher, I'm not trying to shit on you for having to do things this way just to function in the dating world, I just feel like there's a lot of enabling going on in here so I wanted to add another voice, a voice of contempt for all your fucking nitpicking of every detail of a damn interaction with a woman.

Probably explains why you're on a message board in the middle of the night instead of out on a date ;)

It's a Sunday afternoon here. ;)

One of these days I'm goin to chill with CIG. Coolest guy that's happened on these hell forksaken forums in a while.

Fuck beard culture, I hate myself for even having a beard now due to these fucking yuppie twats.

Also I'm gonna be a massive asshole and say that this degree of dating game over-analysation that most of you participate in is probably indicative of why the fuck you're all single to begin with.

I get that some of you have anxiety issues, social awkwardness and specific traits you'd like to find in a partner, but it seems you severely lack the blasé disposition that almost always leads to much more success than desperately trying to pick up on social cues and treating everything in a complicated manner does.

These are interesting to read though.

I haven't dated, like gone on a date, in years. Meh. Drunk life.
Despite myself, and everyone I've talked to that has seen her with me, I'm starting to think that this girl isn't that into me.

So, we go out to the city for a show and have a great time. All is great. We leave to do the hour drive back and I am expecting her to crash at my place, simply because it's another 20-30 minutes back to her place, but nerp, she takes right off. She was passing out in the car, so I kinda knew that any sort of sexual activity was long gone, but I hoped that she'd be down to cuddle for a bit before passing out. But I guess not.

This leads me to believe that she is not actually interested in me romantically. I don't fucking know.

What happened to the flock of 14-15 year olds you used to date? :lol: Well at least they're closer to being adults now, so at least you got that going for you, lol.

I must have really offended you, since you feel the need to pick fights in other threads!

What's the matter? Are the cramps getting to you? Here, friend, a gift:

Despite myself, and everyone I've talked to that has seen her with me, I'm starting to think that this girl isn't that into me.

So, we go out to the city for a show and have a great time. All is great. We leave to do the hour drive back and I am expecting her to crash at my place, simply because it's another 20-30 minutes back to her place, but nerp, she takes right off. She was passing out in the car, so I kinda knew that any sort of sexual activity was long gone, but I hoped that she'd be down to cuddle for a bit before passing out. But I guess not.

This leads me to believe that she is not actually interested in me romantically. I don't fucking know.

Why don't you just ask her directly?
Despite myself, and everyone I've talked to that has seen her with me, I'm starting to think that this girl isn't that into me.

So, we go out to the city for a show and have a great time. All is great. We leave to do the hour drive back and I am expecting her to crash at my place, simply because it's another 20-30 minutes back to her place, but nerp, she takes right off. She was passing out in the car, so I kinda knew that any sort of sexual activity was long gone, but I hoped that she'd be down to cuddle for a bit before passing out. But I guess not.

This leads me to believe that she is not actually interested in me romantically. I don't fucking know.


Maybe she is a he. A Transgender and does not want you to know he has a schlong.

Yeah, i'd kind of have to agree that she may not be interested romantically because that was just a perfect opportunity of she was.. There is the possibility that she could just be really shy too and didn't feel like being pressured into anything she wasn't ready for. Not that you're the type but some girls just would rather not put themselves in the situation and would just go home to avoid one night stands or something.

Pretty hung over. I went to my friends bar and I was trying to get her sister to come and hangout with me, but she didn't. Anyways, I'm chatting with my friend and this dude who's apparently into her sister starts talking to me. So I'm sorta texting the sister to tell her to come on down because he's there. She doesn't and says she's into him but he has a girlfriend. Anyways, my friend is freakinng nuts. I'm not exactly sure what she was trying to do but he bought me a few drinks (and I bought him one too) because some of the stories about me that she was telling him were just kinda weird and extremely suggestive. Kind of feel like she was planting ideas in this guy's head but then he's into her sister so like idk what was up with that. I got too drunk and left but what an awkward night.
Met up with prospective female #2 today, at the same coffee shop in fact, haha. I'll refer to her henceforth as Art History Girl. Tall, slim brunette, very good looking, who's just gotten her MA and is doing adjunct teaching at a nearby college. We took a class together last semester and have met up a couple times since. But regardless, I feel MUCH more comfortable interracting her than I did Classics Redhead yesterday. We're probably going to make it a regular thing to meet for coffee to do our schoolwork and chat, but at some point I could start directing things in a romantic direction, especially if things don't work out with Classics Redhead.

She's also planning to spend a couple more years in Iowa before looking elsewhere for PhD. programs, so hopefully that doesn't impede her openness to the possibility of dating.

It's really about time I try dating people who are closer to my level of education. Not that those I have dated were any less intelligent, but being a grad student and having similar interests, just being an academic, is becoming clear to me as a prerequisite for compatibility.
Yoda: I would ask her straight out if she is interested in going on a date with you. No mincing words either. If you're worried about it, tell her that you're cool to just be friends if that isn't the case.

Zephyrus: If you're more comfortable interacting with Art History Girl, I would focus on her and just be friends with Classics Redhead. If CR is awkward to interact with, AHG is probably a better choice.
That's my immediate deduction, at the moment, but also factor in that I've know AHG for a while and only met CR in person for the first time yesterday. I'll see how my next rendez-vous with CR goes to see if I'm mellower.
Aaaaand Art History Girl just updated her FB relationship status, and is seeing someone. Perhaps she detected I was interested in her today and decided to make it public for that reason.