Males and Females

Just hung out with a friend I've had for about 5 years that I've talked to on and off. Sometimes feelings came up, but the circumstances were never right. It was so easy to talk to her. It's really refreshing after getting out of a relationship that was really intense and meaningful, but also really complicated and frustrating. She wants to meet up again and I'm pretty excited. Just going with the flow and it's pretty chill.
The last girl pissed me off so much that being away from her is a rebound. She was mixed up, and I thought if I was patient she would eventually be chill, but it never happened. On a regular basis she would be flaky for days to think about whether or not she should be with me (and not tell me why until I pried), and if I got fed up with that and decided I was done, she would get mad and tell me I was inconsistent and would complain that the relationship was unstable.

And the most annoying thing is she was scared I would never be self-sufficient, despite all evidence to the contrary simply because it took me until I had a year off from high school to really think about what I wanted to do with my life to take school seriously, when she always studied hard. And she said she might break up with me if her parents told her to. These problems persisted the whole time and she ignored me if I talked about them, until shit hit the fan so hard that it would end and a few days later she'd say all this shit about how she loves me and wants it to work. Fuck it.
Shit man. I'm far from an expert on relationships, but if she doesn't want it or would rather play games drop her ass. A lot of shit can be put up with, but insincerity can't be tolerated.
I thought I was BUDZ with this Omni fellow on and they had a lady picture but who knows.

You probably are friends with my old account. I wouldn't know because I don't use it now. I have not used my own photo on there ever.
I texted her last night but didn't get a response. Not feeling too great today actually so I may just text/call her sometime in the next few days.

Or not. I'm pretty sure I was a mistake lol.

I could be wrong, but because you had trouble/could not get it up and had whiskey dick. She's not going to txt you back. I know it sounds dumb, but if you are not preperared to give a chick a nice big hard dick. It pisses them off really bad regardless how much you drank. And you're done.
Schmidt, too bad about the bloody nose...You shouldve plugged that shit with some toilet paper and moved her on top.

In other news, me and the Brazilian made things official over the weekend. This ones a keeper.