Males and Females

Here's a butt. Cheer up, fag.


Don't know about him, but I feel better. And big hands, so what haha. We can make basketball player children together.
Met up with Polyamory girl today at a coffee shop. Spent about 45 minutes in continuous, pleasant conversation till she had to run off to class. A good start, but damn she's super busy during the week, and weekends she's always out of town at her boyfriend's place. I suppose we'll see what develops in subsequent rendez-vous (how the fuck do you pluralize that phrase?).
I don't think I can cope with the prospect of dumbing myself down so as not to pose a threat to women's social circles. I know that sounds a bit odd but it's a real problem I've found. Women feel intimidated by smart, reasonably eloquent men these days.

Inb4 someone calls me a retard.
Met up with Polyamory girl today at a coffee shop. Spent about 45 minutes in continuous, pleasant conversation till she had to run off to class. A good start, but damn she's super busy during the week, and weekends she's always out of town at her boyfriend's place. I suppose we'll see what develops in subsequent rendez-vous (how the fuck do you pluralize that phrase?).

Sounds like shes too busy for anything else other than a fuck and go.

If this is anything other than a rebound, Id move on bro.