Males and Females

Thinking about cutting my hair to a less annoying and upkeep requiring length, but I've gotten so many complements from women on it I'm hesitant to give up. At the salad bar in Jason's Deli yesterday alone I had two women separately complement me and last week I had two ladies yell out of their car window while driving away at the gas station "we love your hairrrrrrr!" Does it really get easier to handle when it gets longer (not quite long enough to tie back yet) and do you think can be a significant "game" enhancer?
I experienced the same thing when I had long, curly hair. Girls loved touching it. I became known as "the guy with the hair." And then I cut it all off. If you're relying on your hair, then you have no "game"
I had the same issue as SS for a while and it wasn't until recently I started undoing it. I'm pretty weird, so I got shit on for that growing up, and since I'm pretty smart, I would tell myself I'm better than others for being smarter so I could feel good about myself and not lame for being weird.

I got to a reclusive stage when I was really into Zen, Buddhism, and metaphysical psychonaut stuff and turned my nose up at anything earthly or "generic human stuff" like work, school, family stuff, etc. If someone talked passionately about anything that wasn't mind-blowing, I would internally roll my eyes. Eventually I found myself jaded with my social interactions, despite intentionally seeking them out.

I figured out I was defining myself very rigidly by how I was different people, while at the same time seeking connection, and that's why things weren't working.

I decided to let go and now I gradually find myself enjoying smalltalk more and more, but it's not like I magically like everyone to the point I'd hang out with them more than once. I decided to only express things that come from love, and that means sometimes I don't say much of anything, like when I hang out with suburban stoners that sit in silence listening to repetitive rap that's all about money, sex, and drugs. This little rule has helped steer me towards more fruitful friendships.

I'm pretty friendly and meet people pretty easily, but my judgment and pointless ego made the interactions have less life. One thing that really helps is to drop strict ideals of what I want and let myself be surprised by people. If I'm constantly looking for little ways everything is boring or formulaic, or trying to make a certain thing happen with a person I don't even know, it's probably not going to work since (good) conversation is spontaneous and creates novelty for both parties.
I'm tempted to create a fake OKC account that would be a female version of myself, i.e. of someone who'd be a 95%+ match for me. It would be mostly just for fun but it would nonetheless show me what my competition is in this town. Anyone ever done something like that?

Thinking more about this, it would be hilarious. I'll use one of the photos that Draele posts and shatter the hopes and dreams of desperate men who message me.
Hair gets way easier to maintain once it's genuinely long, but if you're already crumbling at a can't tie it back level, maybe it's not for you.

I used to get a lot of compliments about my hair when it was long, women wanted to touch it but now it's the beard, people are weird about beards these days.
I'm tempted to create a fake OKC account that would be a female version of myself, i.e. of someone who'd be a 95%+ match for me. It would be mostly just for fun but it would nonetheless show me what my competition is in this town. Anyone ever done something like that?

Thinking more about this, it would be hilarious. I'll use one of the photos that Draele posts and shatter the hopes and dreams of desperate men who message me.

Not the female side, but I've thought about taking my profile and making two alternates:

1) Take my profile and slap on a picture of another, more attractive dude. This one would be more for laughs.

2) My picture with a very generic, simple profile. Very limited information, and just portray myself like many of the alcoholic brofessionals I work with. I'm more interested in the results of this one TBH.
I think no matter what you should change your main online dating picture every 2-3 months. Otherwise you start to look like a dusty old box (dusty old... bottle, if you're a male) on the shelf to the people who are on there for a while.
You want a lack of information on your profile but what is there DHV :D. Changing pictures frequently, all of them showing you at the "it" spots etc. is one way to do it.
I'm tempted to create a fake OKC account that would be a female version of myself, i.e. of someone who'd be a 95%+ match for me. It would be mostly just for fun but it would nonetheless show me what my competition is in this town. Anyone ever done something like that?

Thinking more about this, it would be hilarious. I'll use one of the photos that Draele posts and shatter the hopes and dreams of desperate men who message me.

:lol: I've thought about doing is because I'm curious of how the online dating dynamic is from the other side. Obviously, girls' inboxes get flooded with garbage and this is especially true if they're attractive. If I get around to it, I'm going to make a few different profiles that are radically different and see how different the response is.
:lol: I've thought about doing is because I'm curious of how the online dating dynamic is from the other side. Obviously, girls' inboxes get flooded with garbage and this is especially true if they're attractive. If I get around to it, I'm going to make a few different profiles that are radically different and see how different the response is.

Post results here. Riker commands you.

I was listening to my usual radio show and they were talking about creepy significant others. It really inspired me, on top of Zeph's marvelous idea... So my new goal this month is to scare the shit out of my man by pretending I'm sleeping and doing weird shit. Making the grudge noise, whispering feverishly in Latin, faking a possession, etc. Anyone have any other ideas? I'm toying with the thought of pretending to be Osama bin laden reincarnated too because he's a gun toting republican. That might be my cherry on top moment.