Males and Females

I have women check me out in the gym all the time, and its really annoying because the gym is like the hardest place to act on things like that.
This ship I'm working on has 1500 miner residents and 300 catering staff and cleaners,my job is to do the fire rounds as a watch keeper.I basically start from the top and scan roughly 30 checkpoints that cover the whole ship,making sure no one is burning to death etc.I do it as fast as I can so I can retreat to my El cabino and play Borderlands 2 and listen to music,generally bludging as much as possible and showering during work hours,that kind of thing.
Lately I've been building up quite a good rapport with this young lady who is covered completely in Tatts and I mean covered,neck everything.She told me she has 13 tattoos of unicorns on her but the most startling one is a Korn tatt about 20 cms below her asshole.I don't usually like chicks with heaps of Tatts especially tattoos of unicorns and Korn but far out she is a really nice girl.Not stuck up or a bitch,she's fun,bubbly and just a genuinely nice person.It'll be interesting to see where this innocent flirting goes and whether I can gather the courage to maybe take to the next level but I doubt it.
For some reason I can't post pics,this iPad has a bug or something that automatically shuts this page down and returns me to the desktop.I don't reckon I could get a pic of the Korn tatt yet without the possibility of getting trampled....I saw it during one of our usual Saturday drills,after we the deck crew had been ordered to prepare the lifeboats,the captain then gives the order to abandon ship and all of these caterers and cleaners parade past us,some in their civilian clothes and others who're in their work uniform depending on whether they're lucky enough to have the drill happen during their work hours or whether it's during their time off.Its quite a show! But there are pictures of this ship online,it's called the 'Silja Europa' but Chevron just announced that they're trying to save coin so it's leaving here at on Xmas eve and heading back to Estonia.
I think I'm about done with the dating sites. One out of maybe 30 that you message bother to respond. According to a few different guys I know that have success with women in general, even they don't have any luck on dating sites. The consensus is the women on there are either completely desperate (and look the part if I'm being blunt) or just on there "for fun" IE some sort of an ego boost?

Moving on to real world shit. I'm not going to a fucking club or a bar. One night stand type shit is not on the menu. Looking to meet a nice tame suburban geek/metal girl for longer term shit. Do I start random conversations in bookstores or join XYZ club that meets on the weekends? Cooking classes? Yoga? I don't really socialize (in public at least) for fun so anything I do on this front would be specifically to meet women. Should I start hitting up lady friends for blind dates with their cousins or what? I'm perfectly fine once I get a date but it's the sheer act of meeting someone and establishing mutual interest that fucking challenges/terrifies me for some reason.
I don't see the problem with meeting people in bars, so long as it's a classy bar. For example, there are a number of places in Iowa City that only grad student-age people tend to frequent. You need to figure out where in Atlanta those are...perhaps around Emory?
Well, two reasons there. One I'm a sleepy drinker. Anything more than 2 beers or a shot and I'm yawning (I blame genetics, mom is notorious for falling asleep in the middle of loudddd action movies). Alcohol is more of a nightcap for me- I'm normally hitting the caffeine on weekends TBH. Idea! Coffee shops?!?

Also, I don't know how familiar you are with Atlanta (not being snarky here) but "Atlanta" is fucking huuuge and encompasses many suburb cities outside of the 285 perimeter highway (such as mine, Kennesaw and many cities within the perimeter. I'm in the restaurant, restaurant, shopping mall, restaurant, grocery store, dog park, restaurant, Kohl's, restaurant, Best Buy, restaurant, repeat. sprawl. We do have Kennesaw State University nearby, but that's about it. It's quite a production (1-2 hours) just to get down to the city only to get hit on by black women. I'm ranting, long day, you get the picture.
For some reason I can't post pics,this iPad has a bug or something that automatically shuts this page down and returns me to the desktop.I don't reckon I could get a pic of the Korn tatt yet without the possibility of getting trampled....I saw it during one of our usual Saturday drills,after we the deck crew had been ordered to prepare the lifeboats,the captain then gives the order to abandon ship and all of these caterers and cleaners parade past us,some in their civilian clothes and others who're in their work uniform depending on whether they're lucky enough to have the drill happen during their work hours or whether it's during their time off.Its quite a show! But there are pictures of this ship online,it's called the 'Silja Europa' but Chevron just announced that they're trying to save coin so it's leaving here at on Xmas eve and heading back to Estonia.
where the fuck is it, on her gooch?
If she has a gooch you're gonna be dealing with bigger problems than Korn tattoos..
I'm gonna have to do something soon but it's pretty nerve racking without alcohol.I usually just get blind and try and impress a woman with some thumb dancing and christ knows what else but without that I'm pretty pathetic in this sort situation.I saw her just then at the drill and she gave me a big smile and just the other day when I was talking to her and her friend she mentioned that she doesn't have a boyfriend.
Pretty sure sfk meant 20cm above. If she's dropping hints like "oh lol I don't haz a bae" just man up and ask her to netflix and chill. Pretty damn legit on a ship.