Males and Females

Your moans of I'm too smart are really cringe-worthy to me SS, I know I've said this before but damn, if you're so intelligent use that to your advantage and try to find a partner outside of your local dating pool.
I think SS is a guy possessing above average brain power and uses it as an excuse to not do anything. Potential ain't shit if you don't use it.
I don't think I can cope with the prospect of dumbing myself down so as not to pose a threat to women's social circles. I know that sounds a bit odd but it's a real problem I've found. Women feel intimidated by smart, reasonably eloquent men these days.

Inb4 someone calls me a retard.

I think a certain intensity goes along with 'intellect', and intense people are annoying to chilled out mofos. It just seems like you're desperate to prove yourself, and nobody finds that attractive, except women with similar issues.

Imagine you're watching a nature documentary. Person 1 makes a clever joke about animal sex, person 2 elaborates on what's being said with a lengthy diatribe about how the joke is actually wrong because that particular animal blah blah blah.

Person 2 is not impressive. Person 1 is a cool guy. Also, eloquence is not productive to happiness.


The real intellects are the rough talking antisocial types building engines in their basements and formulating new theories in depth behind closed doors.
Well I think you've kind of proved my fault.

I don't watch films with people anyway, except with my mother sometimes. We both are pretty against jokes like that. It's just the way I was brought up. People who act the clown and try and bring everyone down to size are seen as vermin.

Also Carpe Mortem, people like you like films like Little Nicky, How High, Fred and Perry Go Large etc. No chance I'd be sat watching those turds with anyone. Last time I watched a film with a girl, we were watching John Carpenter's The Thing on her laptop in bed. Sadly she was a typical prole and found it funny, because it wasn't some made in 2010 cgi shlock, but whatever, at least I didn't have to see Bella and the Bulldogs or some shit and pretend to enjoy it, so that someone with an unhealing wound doesn't die over how intellectual I am.
I think your problem is that you think that you're smarter than you actually are and that it makes you better than you actually are.
I get the impression of you being an Ed Gein motherfucker without the cool furniture.

And trashy comedy is the shit. Its not better than true classics by amazing directors, art wise, but if you can't dig some of it you might be a humorless bore.

Its a shame you were raised by Victorians who beat you for masturbating or whatever. Maybe go Amish. Those girls would be to your liking.
If you say so. I'm not on the internet claiming that all of the people who I can possibly date or hook up with aren't on my level because I'm so intellectual and being condescending to people who notice.

I'm successful in my career, daily life and love.
Yeah, sounds like there's a bit of a superiority complex there. That's not to say there can't be issues with lacking shared interests (I definitely feel this way too) but it sounds like you're amplifying this concern to from "we don't have anything in common" to "we don't have anything in common because she's a pleb"

Not that my advice comes from anywhere resembling success on this front (I'm too picky/shy to even get this far in most cases), but you might try approaching it from the direction of what you have in common versus looking at what you don't first. I'm sure the gap can be bridged in many cases.
I don't really see how you would determine whether someone's belief in their own superiority was part of a complex or not, presumably by measuring some ability of theirs according to some scale which they may simply disagree with. Even if wasn't arbitrary and was something like IQ, I'm not sure that it was necessarily be universally rational for a person to concede some kind of intellectual defeat and lower their self worth accordingly. Does doing that benefit them? Maybe as a member of a society. Psychology is an arse a lot of the time, especially psychology from the 19th century.