Males and Females

same. don't even care for it in porn.

Seriously, watching a girl ride the dude with her vag while her ass slaps around, her tight anus blinking every second at the camera, is one of the best things. When the dude puts his dick in there, you get less to see and less room for jiggle. Anal porn is worthless.
Seriously, watching a girl ride the dude with her vag while her ass slaps around, her tight anus blinking every second at the camera, is one of the best things. When the dude puts his dick in there, you get less to see and less room for jiggle. Anal porn is worthless.

Agreed. It really only makes sense for gay porn since there's no other option.
Plus, with gay anal porn you can get a side view and watch as that little fuccboi's engorged cock hangs below and shoots off as his stimulated prostate provides him overwhelming pleasure.
Plus, with gay anal porn you can get a side view and watch as that little fuccboi's engorged cock hangs below and shoots off as his stimulated prostate provides him overwhelming pleasure.

Engorged, you say?

I just saw part of a 'news' programme on dating apps where they interviewed three people that used them.

The only one that didn't seem like a cunt was the gimpy, tubby guy that had never gotten laid via an app and claimed he just enjoyed 'window shopping' with it.

The 'modern', 'liberal' Muslim using her Muslim dating app and the vacuous 19 year old using the sugar daddy one made me hate people.
The only one that didn't seem like a cunt was the gimpy, tubby guy that had never gotten laid via an app and claimed he just enjoyed 'window shopping' with it.

Did he use a fake/misleading profile? Sounds like he was basically admitting to using it as fap material. I don't blame him. I see tons of hot women every day, but have an average one smile at me out of the blue and I'm going to be hard for the rest of the day. He probably sees the 31 year old Stacy single mother that swiped right and imagines a lifetime together with her, winning the heart of her kids, going on family picnics, encapsulating her with his fat rolls every night. He knows he isn't worthy even of that, but the slightest glimmer of hope is all he needs to carry on for another day of soul-destroying work and comfort food.
We need to start arranging consenting marriages at about 19, get rid of no fault divorce and block all porn on the internet.
We need to start arranging consenting marriages at about 19, get rid of no fault divorce and block all porn on the internet.

Did you get hacked by the Taliban or something?

Yeah why would anyone want to give up their sexual freedoms?

I guess you must be jealous of other people who are actually taking advantage of theirs?