Males and Females

that shitty ass feeling of longing is something i definitely don't miss.

after i cum and 5 minutes of cuddling i get bored. i just wanna gtfo and have some good food and beers by myself and listen to metal on my headphones.

it's nice and peaceful this way, no stress or anxiety or that bullshit tightness in your chest
I think I'd feel worse if I slept with whores tbh. Even if you just hug your pillow, at least it's yours. You could throw it out of the window and it would still accept you back if you went out and got it.
I feel like a fucking 15 year old loser fago. I had a wonderful time just chilling with my female friend at an Autopsy show last weekend I wasn't even that upset that she didn't invite me over to her place that night. Like, just being in her presence is good enough for me these days.

It's like Cassette said, I just want her to be in full chain-mail armor and posing while I get down on one knee worshiping her with 12 beers.

I should probably mention that my feelings towards said girl are duplicated. She says that she finally got some closure from her ex of like 3 years like 2 nights before we chilled. The following morning I read a text that said that she "felt bad" for not inviting me over. She also gave me a kiss before she left.

I have no idea why I've been so upset over this shit. This is clearly a good sign.
that shitty ass feeling of longing is something i definitely don't miss.

after i cum and 5 minutes of cuddling i get bored. i just wanna gtfo and have some good food and beers by myself and listen to metal on my headphones.

it's nice and peaceful this way, no stress or anxiety or that bullshit tightness in your chest

You sound like a MGTOW.
I know some of you actually do have long term relationships with women who are possibly on birth control. I now have this neat little implant in my arm, and will gladly detail my experiences for your convenience and possible interest. Cutting edge stuff.

Day 2: The doctor slashed open my arm yesterday and shoved this robotic rod thing in there. Didn't hurt. The ten layers of bandage suck. No increased emotions, which is good, as this particular option has no estrogen and supposedly won't fuck with that.
For reference, I've never been on birth control. This could mean less interaction from previous products and my experiences may differ from other women. I am hoping positively.
I think Im giving up for now. Until I get a less stressful job and/or a shorter commute Im not in a good place mentally to go there. That and online dating fail...
For reference, I've never been on birth control. This could mean less interaction from previous products and my experiences may differ from other women. I am hoping positively.

Just take it in your crap trap, you will not have to worry about being preggy.
so you're a living sterile fuckmachine that's awesome i wish all women were like you
My old man gets colonics off a guy I went to school withs nan who's a naturopath...for some reason he's got no issues with going around to her house and paying this 85 year old woman to put some hose up his ass that flushes it out with some liquid as I'm lead to believe.It may or may not be good for the asshole but it surely wouldn't be good for your mental health.I still haven't gotten my head around it,but obviously neither he nor nanna colonic thinks it's weird or shameful.