Males and Females

I started to fall for a girl over the last couple of weeks. She's a former co-worker. We chatted at work occasionally about music and always got along well. When she found out I was changing jobs, she asked for my number. We hit it off pretty well while texting each other. We went out for coffee shortly there after and spent half the day talking with one other. Over the weekend, I took her hiking to a nearby state park that has an incredible view of the fall foliage (I'll probably post pics eventually). On the drive there, she told me she considers creationism and evolution to be two equally valid possibilities and that evolution is just a theory. Total boner kill.
I started to fall for a girl over the last couple of weeks. She's a former co-worker. We chatted at work occasionally about music and always got along well. When she found out I was changing jobs, she asked for my number. We hit it off pretty well while texting each other. We went out for coffee shortly there after and spent half the day talking with one other. Over the weekend, I took her hiking to a nearby state park that has an incredible view of the fall foliage (I'll probably post pics eventually). On the drive there, she told me she considers creationism and evolution to be two equally valid possibilities and that evolution is just a theory. Total boner kill.

Oh shit. Luckily you only wasted a couple of weeks.
If I ever got an outspoken creationist girlfriend I could introduce her to my grandparents without fear. That'd be nice.
If I ever got an outspoken creationist girlfriend I could introduce her to my grandparents without fear. That'd be nice.

And for us rest of the time you could just 'agree to disagree', but occasionally and then more regularly throw snide remarks and/or condescending looks at each other whenever religion is mentioned until you don't even realise you're doing it anymore. Then one day the repressed rage you feel for ever associating yourself with this person finally explodes in an almighty ball of crazed fury and you smash a plate and run out of the room crying.
i am incapable of feeling anything towards women other than the desire to either fuck them or get rid of them
It's not really about pussy, but I would be lying if I did not crave pussy all the time.
I feel a desire to fuck them if they're hot, in person, at the time, kind of thing. I don't give a shit really though. Can't be bothered with it all. I have things I need to sort out but I don't really care about the women thing any more.
i am incapable of feeling anything towards women other than the desire to either fuck them or get rid of them

I understand this sentiment, I really do, but dont you ever just want to talk and get to know a woman and enjoy that side of sensual arousal...baaaaaahhahahahahahaha
I feel like a fucking 15 year old loser fago. I had a wonderful time just chilling with my female friend at an Autopsy show last weekend I wasn't even that upset that she didn't invite me over to her place that night. Like, just being in her presence is good enough for me these days.

It's like Cassette said, I just want her to be in full chain-mail armor and posing while I get down on one knee worshiping her with 12 beers.