Males and Females

Whenever a girl flirts with me (which is rare...I think, I don't know. I'm horrible at picking those things out) I am usually so damn surprised that I have no fucking words besides "Oh, yeah, thanks." and walk away or something. This is basically me.

Edit - Or, they are super fucking drunk and I am not quite there yet and I hate taking advantage of drunk girls unless I am fucked up too.
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Yeah, I'm sure in the past women have been flirting with me when they talk to me but I'm so aloof that I didn't really pay attention. My ex would point it out to me when some girl I met in passing would come up and start talking to me and I would explain that:

1) I'm being polite and letting her talk
2) If she's flirting with me, I generally have no idea until I stew on it for days and/or weeks
I'm attracted to most women, and will flirt back if flirted with. I have to be careful, because sometimes students get flirty. I try not to mess around with that, but I have dated one student before.

Oh and I fucked another ex last night. That's two that want to be fwbs. It's nice because now I don't care as much if they fuck someone else, since I'm fucking two of them. Also this way I'm free to pursue another one if need be. And I'll try to set up a threesome for my birthday next month.
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So, an ex of mine contacted me the other day. Someone I didn't expect to hear from.
She basically opened with an apology for past behaviour and asked how things are and at first I didn't think much of it, maybe just boredom or something? I almost didn't bother to respond.

But now it's blatantly obvious she's looking to reconcile, I'm not a flirtatious person but I can tell when someone is nudging in that direction. It's somewhat awkward because I'm the type that doesn't give second chances to shitty people but I've always had this weird, somewhat irritating (when I'm removed from the situation and thinking clearly) soft-spot for this particular lady.

Anyway, basically she's moving back to my state and wants to catch up. She's a cute hipster type and that's playing in the back of my head as I try to convince myself to avoid this situation.
Similar to Ozz, I can be pretty dense when it comes to dealing with women. I'm better now, but when I look back at the girls I talked to in my college classes, it seems painfully obvious that a number of them were interested in me. Oh well
So, an ex of mine contacted me the other day. Someone I didn't expect to hear from.
She basically opened with an apology for past behaviour and asked how things are and at first I didn't think much of it, maybe just boredom or something? I almost didn't bother to respond.

But now it's blatantly obvious she's looking to reconcile, I'm not a flirtatious person but I can tell when someone is nudging in that direction. It's somewhat awkward because I'm the type that doesn't give second chances to shitty people but I've always had this weird, somewhat irritating (when I'm removed from the situation and thinking clearly) soft-spot for this particular lady.

Anyway, basically she's moving back to my state and wants to catch up. She's a cute hipster type and that's playing in the back of my head as I try to convince myself to avoid this situation.
Bad news.

None of my exes (except for one that I've been good friends with for years since) want anything to do with me, and it is best that way.

Tread with caution.
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my take was it means you're too nice to be exciting for long periods but perfectly suited for making someone feel better about themselves after a shitty relationship murdered their self esteem
[EDIT] Eh, nevermind. I don't want to give away any of my secrets to the unappreciative. I just won't mention my awesome sex life around here, like I used to.
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Probably my worst moment of obliviousness-until-too-late was with a Thai girl in undergrad. She'd sit next to me and ask to share my ochem textbook half the time in class; no biggie. In the department's computer lab she'd semi-often sit next to me and ask me little things like watching her stuff while she was away for a moment or to borrow a pen or something, and she'd always act incredibly thankful every time; just her personality I guess. Then she starts asking questions about me, my family, talking about her family, etc; ok. Then I begin to notice that she keeps crossing and uncrossing her legs and playing with her hair and giggling while talking to me; well she always seemed fidgety ever since I first met her so whatever. Then she asks for minor help with a lab report and she proceeds to unload a bunch of old exams and stuff on me; I immediately remember that she works with like three different professors doing volunteer/lab work, and suddenly get this idea that she's a departmental plant to find and expel cheaters. I don't want to accept the exams but I'm nervous as fuck now and just blurt out an awkward and ungrateful "OK"; she gives an enthusiastic "You're welcome!" anyways. One time she just randomly goes up to me and asks for help on a problem, but on a small piece of paper on top of the homework she has a phone number and email address. She says she wants to email me something homework-related and asks for me to write down my email, but I just ignored her info because I didn't hear her explicitly give permission for me to copy it down for myself. One time she arrives in the general study room/computer lab, gives her usual happy HI! and sits across from me, I say hi back. She then reminds me that class is about to start to I leave with her. While walking she suddenly asks me if I don't want to be friends with her; my reply is (closely paraphrased) "What have I said indicative of such?" and although she pauses for a moment to process the high levels of autism, she then tells me that she tries to be nice to me and that I'm always really monotone and impersonal. I say that it is not my attention and she's like "It's OK! :)" and then asks me if I drink coffee; I tell her no, caffeine disrupts my focus. Probably shortly later she asks me if I had planned on seeing Toy Story 3 apparently playing in the student union or something; I had not been aware of such an event and could not possibly have made any plans, so therefore I naturally I replied "No." The final straw came in a biochem lab. She randomly came up to me to fix my lab coat collar, both hands basically close to my neck and my face less than two feet from hers. I of course keep my head turned 90 degrees. Lab went late and there were a few things that had bothered me that day, and when I left she was going down the hall in the opposite direction, she said goodbye, and although I reciprocated I could tell my voice came out angry, and I'm pretty sure I didn't give her eye contact. The next day I saw her in the hall and gave my typical uptight and pathetic "Hello" I give to everyone I've spoken with once, and she didn't even acknowledge me. I made a conscious effort to avoid her entirely after that.