Big tits, low on the Jimmy Scale. Sounds like tons of variety in body types.
so i found a woman who has blonde eyelashes, blue eyes, and snow-white skin with nipples that are pink instead of brown
i find out that this woman is a cheap hooker
so i'm like, "i'm gonna go tap that"
turns out she's a really really cheap hooker
every time i fuck her i'm paying her a pack of cigarettes... a pack
i've seen those hookers that don't wanna get paid with cash, but those ones usually charge a carton of cigs
i feel like i'm ripping her off, but she doesn't feel ripped off
this chick's also obviously crazy
i'm ripping off the woman who is too crazy to notice she's being ripped offso i found a woman who has blonde eyelashes, blue eyes, and snow-white skin with nipples that are pink instead of brown
i find out that this woman is a cheap hooker
so i'm like, "i'm gonna go tap that"
turns out she's a really really cheap hooker
every time i fuck her i'm paying her a pack of cigarettes... a pack
i've seen those hookers that don't wanna get paid with cash, but those ones usually charge a carton of cigs
i feel like i'm ripping her off, but she doesn't feel ripped off
this chick's also obviously crazy