Males and Females

in reference to bill-splitting
there's a woman (can't be bothered to remember her name) who says that "up untill you have sex together" the "woman should pay for everything" that way the guy doesn't feel like he's paying for sex before the girl's ready for sex
Oh man.Thank god for hangovers.

I’ve been talking to a girl at work for about a month now, but been keeping it platonic. To steal a line from Ozz, I don’t dip my pen in company ink - so I’m definitely keeping it cool, but there’s undeniable attraction from both sides. Nonetheless she’s just fun to talk to, so we’ve been chatting every day off and on work. Anyway, I went out with her to her favorite place a week ago - Borderlines in Thousand Oaks. I had a decent time and planned to go again. Well that night was supposed to be yesterday (Wednesday is their college night). Fortunately I got way to drunk on Tuesday night and came in to work hungover as fuck. I told her my only plan for Wednesday night was to go home and sleep.

Enter 11:20pm on Wednesday night. Gunman comes in to the bar and kills 11 people.

My coworker was alright, she managed to hide, but she lost some friends...

I’ve been reading about all these mass shootings for years now, but this one really hit the nerve. I mean I was one bad decision away from possibly being there that night, and that sinking feeling of wondering whether she was alive the next morning (her phone was lost in the melee) was awful. Found out two hours later that she was ok, but I thought that the no response meant certain death..