Males and Females

Now that I think about it, I think she's been banging other females. And I should emphasize that I wasn't with anyone else at the time, but that wasn't for a lack of trying. We never discussed what we "were" and I thought we were just fuck buddies and she started to catch feelings so. Who gives a shit. Happens all the time.
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So does STN actually beat his wife or..?
It’s true. TB is the only one that knows my secret shame. We’ve been confiding with each other about really personal stuff for a while now and I just had to get it off my chest. I begged him not to say anything but he couldn’t help himself, the bastard. I told him that if he said anything I’d let the cat out of the bag about him & me. Maybe he secretly wanted it out in the open once and for all, I dunno. Anyway here it is. I’ve been flying to California for ‘business trips’ so that we could further our sexual connection. I’ve never thought of myself as being gay before, but the bond TB and I have developed goes far beyond such labels. When we fuck it’s like we become one whole person. It’s hard to explain. Something about his repugnant personality coupled with his grotesquely odorous hairy Armenian body just drives me wild. He has a micropenis but I told him I don’t care and he loves being a bottom anyway so it works fine. I was planning on moving to Cali to be with him but who knows what will happen now.