Males and Females

My typical day consists of reading and discussing all things ancient history and philosophy, and at night I make love to a woman. My life has balance. Aristotle would be proud.

Intoxication with expensive wine is what is left.
Amen. But you'll meet lots of witty and smart babes in USA. And who knows, if this chick is still around after X years.......
The irony is, I did get hit on a lot more when I was with my girlfriend :D

That's because, when you're unavailable, women consider it a game when they hit on you because they know they can't have you. When you're single, it's not as interesting to them to hit on you since there's really no way of 'winning' you and taking you from your current girlfriend.

I didn't really have women hit on me when I was with my ex, though.
New chick at work. Smoking hot.

We flirt. Harmlessly. We work right next to each other, and we're both outgoing, so it's inevitable. I've always felt secure in doing it because we both had people we were seeing, which lent a certain insurance to the scenario. It would go no further than flirting.

Today, I ask her how her weekend went. She broke up with her boyfriend. Security gone. Fuck me.
Amen. But you'll meet lots of witty and smart babes in USA. And who knows, if this chick is still around after X years.......

I'm banking on that. Especially since you'd mentioned this a long time back. And of course, being the brown man, anything lighter than brown is deemed worthy.

That's because, when you're unavailable, women consider it a game when they hit on you because they know they can't have you. When you're single, it's not as interesting to them to hit on you since there's really no way of 'winning' you and taking you from your current girlfriend.

I didn't really have women hit on me when I was with my ex, though.

Ermm.. Sorry brah, it ain't like that. None of those girls had a clue that I had a girlfriend :/ They didn't know jack about me, either.
New chick at work. Smoking hot.

We flirt. Harmlessly. We work right next to each other, and we're both outgoing, so it's inevitable. I've always felt secure in doing it because we both had people we were seeing, which lent a certain insurance to the scenario. It would go no further than flirting.

Today, I ask her how her weekend went. She broke up with her boyfriend. Security gone. Fuck me.

OoOOooooOOoOOoOOOoOoOoO. Time to plaster your cubicle in photos of you and your gf. Sucks that you now have to feel weird about flirting.
That's because, when you're unavailable, women consider it a game when they hit on you because they know they can't have you. When you're single, it's not as interesting to them to hit on you since there's really no way of 'winning' you and taking you from your current girlfriend.

I didn't really have women hit on me when I was with my ex, though.

That's too bad.

There is also a lot of "hmm I wonder why he/she is single" going on in the mind. If someone is taken it confirms he or she is desirable.
OoOOooooOOoOOoOOOoOoOoO. Time to plaster your cubicle in photos of you and your gf. Sucks that you now have to feel weird about flirting.

I don't feel weird about the flirting. We flirted today. The problem arises from the prospect that she might make a move since we clearly enjoy spending time with each other. Where it used to be that we both had reasons to avoid doing so, she no longer does. So it falls to me to say no (which I will); it's just kind of unnerving.

Don't dip your pen in the company ink. I know from experience. It is nothing but awkward after the break up

Nice analogy. :cool:

I won't be dipping anything. It's just a concern, and most likely a baseless one. I talk about my girlfriend quite a bit in front of her, so she definitely knows. Now I just hope she doesn't feel more obliged to make me uncomfortable (i.e. come on to me) because I talk about my girlfriend.
I currently don't have anything to contribute to this thread as I have the fun combination of being incredibly picky when it comes to women, but whenever I find one I *do* like I go all lost puppy on them and scare 'em away. (Consequence of being picky or just a terrible combination I can't tell ya)

Entertaining thread though =D
I don't feel weird about the flirting. We flirted today. The problem arises from the prospect that she might make a move since we clearly enjoy spending time with each other. Where it used to be that we both had reasons to avoid doing so, she no longer does. So it falls to me to say no (which I will); it's just kind of unnerving.

I won't be dipping anything. It's just a concern, and most likely a baseless one. I talk about my girlfriend quite a bit in front of her, so she definitely knows. Now I just hope she doesn't feel more obliged to make me uncomfortable (i.e. come on to me) because I talk about my girlfriend.

That's what I meant, any flirting that happens will now have the "oh shit I hope that didn't sound like I was interested" tension plus worrying she will make a move.

If she asked you to meet her for drinks after work would you do it? Sure you're just friends and you won't say yes, but is it leading her on? These are all SHITTY things that suck about having friends/acquaintances who may or may not like you like that.
I currently don't have anything to contribute to this thread as I have the fun combination of being incredibly picky when it comes to women, but whenever I find one I *do* like I go all lost puppy on them and scare 'em away. (Consequence of being picky or just a terrible combination I can't tell ya)

Entertaining thread though =D

What do you mean by "lost puppy?"
That's what I meant, any flirting that happens will now have the "oh shit I hope that didn't sound like I was interested" tension plus worrying she will make a move.

If she asked you to meet her for drinks after work would you do it? Sure you're just friends and you won't say yes, but is it leading her on? These are all SHITTY things that suck about having friends/acquaintances who may or may not like you like that.

If she asked if I wanted to have a drink after work, I like to think that I would decline. As of right now, that's what I tell myself I would do. I mean, it would just be too easy from that point onward. Why invite the undesirable situation even closer?
Exactly, but what if the undesirable situation were never to happen and she got offended after asking you why you declined and work was awkward after you declined?
Exactly, but what if the undesirable situation were never to happen and she got offended after asking you why you declined and work was awkward after you declined?

Good point.

I think that when I declined her offer I would say something like "I really would love to, but I just feel that it might be inappropriate. I'm not sure how it would be viewed by others here at the office, or my girlfriend for that matter."

Now, in all likelihood no one at the office would ever know; but having suggested it raises the possibility, and thus makes her response more meaningful. For instance, if she says: "No one here needs to know," then I know what she has in mind. If she says, "Who cares if they know, we're just getting a drink," it's less likely (although still possible, especially if she's a tactful person). No matter what is said, I doubt that this deline could be interpreted as offensive. If she's intelligent, she'll understand my hesitance. If she's offended, then it's likely I wouldn't want to be involved with her anyway.