Males and Females

seriously. it's like a sub-reality for most people now. but i get what zeph means. well, shit, go for it. send her teh message
seriously. it's like a sub-reality for most people now. but i get what zeph means. well, shit, go for it. send her teh message

Again, she took the initiative and messaged me, and said we should hang out sometime. The exchange was very brief since she had to run out.

That was this afternoon. What just happened could either do wonders for me or prove I was being majorly used. She messaged me in desperate need for some cash, claiming all her friends bailed on her. So I did the good samaritan thing and called Western Union and wired her the money. Wasn't that much and I can afford it. She says she'll pay me back on Thursday when her paycheck comes in.

I feel pretty good about the fact that I would have done that for anyone and not just her, giving people the benefit of the doubt if I didn't know them.

Call me a fool, whatever.
If she lives a reasonable distance I think you should totally link up with her and see what happens!!

So to return this thread back to its eponymous purpose...

So I have a FB friend whom I met at a concert. She is a metal chick (and taken) and is friends with a lot of metal chicks and I see them all as FB friends of hers posting on her wall etc.

Well there was one in particular who especially attracted me...smoking hot, single, and even an inverted cross in her profile pic. That's all I could see of her profile and I never friend request people I never met in person.

She just friended me.

I like fb. :p

Oh Facebook....

Wow! Very nice of you! I agree w Krampus...

Again, she took the initiative and messaged me, and said we should hang out sometime. The exchange was very brief since she had to run out.

That was this afternoon. What just happened could either do wonders for me or prove I was being majorly used. She messaged me in desperate need for some cash, claiming all her friends bailed on her. So I did the good samaritan thing and called Western Union and wired her the money. Wasn't that much and I can afford it. She says she'll pay me back on Thursday when her paycheck comes in.

I feel pretty good about the fact that I would have done that for anyone and not just her, giving people the benefit of the doubt if I didn't know them.

Call me a fool, whatever.
so the girl im 99% positive has muh bebeh in her tummeh stopped using facebook like 4 or 5 months ago...and she popped up on my news feed like yesterday. ive always thought about it of course since i stopped contat with her, but it's pretty heavy when all of a sudden the girl pops up on my computer with a HUGE belly. and its a going to be a girl. i'm torn as fuck
she did disable her profile. and let's put it this way...when i first found out she was pregnant, she was 12 weeks pregnant. exactly 12 weeks after we hooked up. now she's 6 months pregnant and i havent talked to her in months.
Legally the law falls waaaay in favor of moms, so she can suck you dry so start saving. No guarantee she will, and maybe she'll have a miscarriage or something, but better safe than sorry.

I went to a wedding yesterday, was very happy for the couple. I didn't get the "wedding fever" that chicks my age are supposed to get, and I had to leave before they served the fucking cake.

Things with MP are good. I was cranky all day so he bought me ice cream and put me to bed to take a nap.
Facebook is like a beacon of all the fun I'm not having with other people because I don't have many friends. Fuck you, facebook!
Yeah man! If I want to fucking eat pizza and play video games on a Friday night I should be able to eat pizza and play video games on a Friday night!!!!
I don't really do that. I just don't hang out with people all the time, and it feels lonely, but whenever I spend too much time around people I just eventually stop talking and want to break something.
Zeph what's the update???!

Long story short, via texts etc I cornered her into admitting she was attracted to me and that it wasn't just in order for me to send her money. We've talked on the phone a lot and she appears very honest. She lives an hour away and we both work but she's going to come over on Friday.

She said she added me on FB because she saw a picture of me wearing my patch jacket. It works, dudes.
So I think I am now at peace with the break up with the ex. Not that I don't still care for her deeply (I think she'll always be important to me) but I am basically at peace with the idea of not being with her. The idea of it doesn't put a knot in my stomach anymore. I think it was the trip to Spain that did something to my mind, something along the lines of other women exist and they will pay attention to me. I'm usually really insecure about that kind of stuff. I think the older you get, the better you're able to handle break ups. It's just a psychological mechanism that you develop out of necessity.

In other news, I made a profile on okcupid. I'm not really serious about it, I think it's kind of funny, and I don't actually see myself dating anybody in the near future. I'm just experimenting with it to see if I have some kind of game on this online crap. I've heard horror stories about how the response rate is so low, blah blah blah, whatever. Well I've only been on there two days, I've contacted a total of like 4 chicks and I now have some cute Asian chick messaging me. I think that's reasonable success considering the odds. I doubt that will amount to anything though and I don't really care.

I might actually be sort of content with my life right now. At least it's fairly stable in an emotional sense. What a relief.

edit: Also, so many of the women in Spain are drop-dead gorgeous and it seems like almost all of them are in shape. My God, what a country.

Dude, that is fantastic. Good job.

I'm on okcupid - for the most part is stupid. But, it may work for you..
Keep us posted!

Oh snap, I'm on OKCupid, too. I've had a few profiles on there over the years. I've had little success on it though :erk: