Males and Females

So I just hooked up with a girl, who used to date a friend. Said friend took ages to achieve what I achieved in 2 hours. Dunno what to think.
Pat yourself on the back, that's what. Unless you are deceiving and upsetting your friend.

Zeph - AWESOME! Super exciting, what do you have planned for Friday?

Cythraul - Sounds like you're doing OK for yourself on OKCupid so far (durhurhur). Your odds are looking good: I have been browsing OKCupid lately seeing what kinds of people in general are around, looks like a small pool of even borderline acceptable people of both sexes.

And yeah, Romance-speaking European birds are pretty much universally within an "acceptable" body type. Is the situation really that severe at home? I know 70% of the people in the U.S. are at least "overweight" but it's really, really hard to picture right now.
Pretty sure this obesity thing is overblown, but then again I might get a skewed sample because us urban New Englanders are made of fucking genetically different winner shit.
Yeah, pretty much. As far as women go, it seems like there are a lot of self-absorbed, hip, "artsy" and "creative" chicks who listen to indie rock. *barf* I actually sort of feel like sending messages to a bunch of people to tell them that they're not impressive at all and that they should stop being so pretentious. That would be mean, though. Hipsters have feelings too (maybe).

It's very hard to resist that urge sometimes. So many case of "canned quirkiness" everywhere. Ewww.
Some of my friends have that side to them. It's not that they're bad people, but it's like they don't trust people to actually like them and think they're cool, so they put up this pretentious front which they must think is really cool. I'm hopeful people grow out of that by their mid 20s.
One time I was at a music store with my dad, and I said a band sounded hipster. He asked "what is that?" I gave the description of the stereotypical hipster, without realizing that the vinyl section was right in front of us and that exact description was giving us a weird look. Awkward.
I found my girlfriend on okcupid, but yeah the response rate is pretty low. I would message a fair amount of girls and for every ten or so messages I'd send out, I'd get maybe one or two replies.