Males and Females

You don't jerk off when your gf is around?
Why would I? She's pretty much up for sex at all times...we usually end up doing it twice a day. No need for jerking off...but now that I've had a couple days with just my hand...I don't miss sex that much, really. It's mostly psychological.

I wouldn't dare to approach krampus, not even in dreams.
Only on forums. Please shut up.
I feel pretty asexual these days, not gonna lie

It's okay Zeph. I ended it because I simply don't have those kinds of feelings for him any more. I care deeply about him as a person and I would kill anyone who so much as looked at him the wrong way, but I just can't reciprocate his feelings for me, and not for a lack of trying.

tl;dr I have a block of ice in place of a heart
I'm looking at OKCupid because I can't sleep. God this is depressing. How do people meet people? Good thing I have a backlog of options if I decide to stop being asexual.
I don't fucking know. I hate it when people just randomly talk to me, so I tend to think that others feel the same way. The only way to meet people is through forced interactions.
Just set a date and meet. That's how it happened for me...and I'm still single

I had a dream that I started my own respectable gentleman's establishment. It wasn't some dirty peelers either, it was fucking awesome.