Males and Females

I'm not exactly great at this stuff but that strikes me as a bit quick. That might be part of it - she feels things are going fast and that's scary.

She started the "I love you's". Those words always symbolized commitment to me, but not to her, apparently. She cares deeply about me, and confides to me more than to anyone else (besides her parents), but she still likes to be a free spirit.
Let me just say this:

I fucking HATE all the negative hype around the "It's not you, it's me" routine.

Of course it's the fucking "ME" in the situation; why would it be "YOU"? If a man breaks up with a woman because she starts talking about kids after one year, it's not because she started talking about kids after one year; it's because he's fucking spooked that she's talking about kids after one year. And there's nothing wrong with that. My advice: use the damn "It's not you, it's me" routine, because it's the fucking truth.

Furthermore, this is why the "You deserve someone better routine" is a joke as well; because when someone uses that, he or she is implying that the other person is their primary concern. That is never the case; if it were, then the person instigating the break-up would make an effort to change, since he or she cares so much about the person.

In that situation, say "It's not you, it's me; and the truth is, I want to sleep with other people."

I can't stand how people knock the "It's not you, it's me" routine, and in the same breath knock the "You deserve someone better" routine; they're the same damn thing.

I broke things off with MP. It was time.

by "better" of course I meant "better suited to him." no one is actually "better" than me. BAHAHAHAHA

for the record I didn't use either of those phrases
And my trend of finding girls that like to bite/scratch continues, my back looks like someone threw a damn feral cat on it D; hurts to even just lay down