Males and Females


I have a raging urinary tract infection and am pissing solid big chunks of blood. Probably made 1000 times worse because yesterday I noticed its onset yet still opted for wild banging.
It must be. Teach me.

No shit. Onder should negotiate peace in the middle east if he can convince a woman to admit wrongdoing.

I got tired of "fap", so I'm bringing "wank" back.

I have a raging urinary tract infection and am pissing solid big chunks of blood. Probably made 1000 times worse because yesterday I noticed its onset yet still opted for wild banging.

I don't know, it's cold these days. Women wear big motherfucking boots. The deets are it's all a bit up in the air.
No shit. Onder should negotiate peace in the middle east if he can convince a woman to admit wrongdoing.

Well actually the first lesson is that I’m really good. That’s why even people with different beliefs admit that I’m good and that they are just little pieces of shit which is unsatisfactory for my selection of women that are possessing fuckable cunts.
I’m now going to drown my sorrow in rice and various products of agriculture.
So Israeli chick told me I was too chubby.

I started thinking I needed to hit the gym again, or go on a diet or maybe even give up BEER!

Guess what I did...

Gotta have some insulation to weather the Maine winter. Though in Portland you have the ocean to keep it a bit warmer. Up here in Bangor it's a different story.

Also, now I know what you look like in case I ever run into you there.
Her African counterpart:
