Males and Females

I like it when girls squirt. I don't care if it's probably pee.

It's not. I was fucking a girl awhile ago that squirted and it definitely wasn't pee. :Smug:

edit: I went on a date with a girl last night and just her entire demeanour reminded me of Elliot from Scrubs. She was so neurotic and shy, she was talking so fast and alot as well. It wasn't annoying, in fact it was quite funny. Nothing happened after though... Damn, she had a really banging body because she's dancer and gymnast.
i like to prolong intercourse, slow down when i'm near, watch my dick go in and out, have a lot of tongue action and intense eye contact. but i don't care much for cuddling, i do that for 3-4 minutes tops.

Intense eye contact but no cuddling? Whaaaaaat?

Porkpal calls me "squirtle" now, that's cool, I feel deprived and upset because I'm missing out on getting laid one day so far this week, #addicted #secondpuberty
I have determined that there is a psychosomatic response to sex that can only be an evolutionary adaptation to ensure the species reproduces. When I'm sick, like with a cold, and am about to have sex, suddenly I feel 100% and don't feel sick again until after the fact, as if my body were devoting more resources than normal to making me feel better while the reproductive act is in progress.

Anyone else ever notice this?
I have determined that there is a psychosomatic response to sex that can only be an evolutionary adaptation to ensure the species reproduces. When I'm sick, like with a cold, and am about to have sex, suddenly I feel 100% and don't feel sick again until after the fact, as if my body were devoting more resources than normal to making me feel better while the reproductive act is in progress.

Anyone else ever notice this?

No but I've heard wanking lessens one's suffering during a powerful comedown.
From what someone told me about this time they tried meth, the coming down far outweighs any of the pleasure gained from it.

I’m trying to temporarily break up with my girlfriend over messages. So far we both agreed that it’s her fault (as she was aktin like a bitch and hurting me feelingz) and that I don’t have to put up with this shit.

EDIT: It’s kind of satisfying to see her admit that.