Males and Females

Slightly more refined than the whole "grass on the field" approach. Though I think there are some countries in Europe where the driving age is later than the age of consent.

Whose idea were age of consent laws anyway? [ame][/ame]
I know it may seem weird, but there are people who have had sex and found it didn't live up to the hype. I had sex a bunch of times with an ex girlfriend and didn't really like it too much. I explained a lot of this a few pages back.

And I may have implied that I've had casual sex, but what I really meant was I never really cared for the idea of it.
My perspective is it does. It's amazing, and it leaves me in a state of total zen for hours afterward. It's getting a great workout, admiring a work of art, and getting jacked off at the same time. And I didn't even mention post-coital cuddling.
maybe she just wasnt that hot

Nah, I thought she was very attractive, and I really cared about her, too. Sex just doesn't do a lot for me. The first time I was like "oh, cool, sex!" but then after all I could think is "how the hell do people enjoy this?"

And please don't suggest some strange sex act. Maybe one day I'll enjoy sex, but for now, there are other things I'd rather do.

Gotta say, though. It felt weird as shit being the one in the relationship who would turn down suggestions for sex.
I'm pretty open to that being it, due to the fact that I haven't had sex more than twenty times. Still, even when I developed coordination, speed, and got a better idea of the right angles, I still didn't like it a whole lot. Lasting long was never a problem for me, since sex never got me off. I had to fake it because eventually I'd get too bored to keep going.

Maybe I've just watched too much porn.
I think the prevalence of sexually themed media has created an atmosphere of saturation and therefore devaluation. You become "tired" of sex without having even had any.
I somewhat agree. I wasn't "tired" of sex until after I had it, and now the prevalence of sexual imagery in the media annoys me. To me, it's just a lot of wasted space.
I somewhat agree. I wasn't "tired" of sex until after I had it, and now the prevalence of sexual imagery in the media annoys me. To me, it's just a lot of wasted space.

I heard Michael Savage, who is usually a crackpot, say that the sexualization in our culture and the prevalence of pornography is actually making men semi-impotent. I don't have that problem, but I could see how it could happen. If I wank/fuck several times in one day, even a day or two later my sex drive is very low.