Males and Females

Urgh, women are so quick to judge. Fucking bitches. Say one slightly dull thing and they just lose interest immediately. Oh and you can't be nervous or shy ever, you have to have a johnny toughguy retard routine. Fuck you sluts. I am a man. Fucking get back to the kitchen.
Being rational doesn't mean being indifferent. The extremity of your disappointment might be irrational, though, if it's based on some dubious inference about the other person or the situation. It seems like you're developing some feelings for this person; I find it odd that you continue to refer to him as your porkpal. Also, he's running game on you (whether inadvertently or not) by doing this. Look at the gears turning in your head. It's cute.

Oh the feelings have been there all along. I don't pork people I don't have feelings for, it just doesn't seem right. I think some of the negative emotions can be attributed to coming down from drugs tbh; we hung out yesterday after his skiing day and I didn't really think about it/care at all.
^ :lol:

Some of you guys need to gather a little bit more confidence when it comes talking to women. By examining anyone's body language, you can test the waters of dull or interesting conversation. You can salvage a dull conversation by knowing how to react after...

You don't have to try to be "cool or interesting" around anyone if you know how to peak interest. Just be yourself! I've spoken about valence shell electron pair repulsion theory and para/ferro/di - magnetic molecules to women who have absolutely no clue or care about science and/or chemistry. The importance is confidence and being extremely self-assured.

You don't know how much more attractive you become by just being able to approach without the fear of getting rejected straight away. This is no "game" shit either.
Word. I talk about poop to new guys with the utmost confidence, and I'd say in situations where I pursue I have like a 95% success rate

edit: hope you're not "Inferno" because of the burning itchy rashes you leave in your wake, wanh wanh wanhhh
I actually have neil strauss's book downloaded off the internet. I don't really think it's that bad, it's just weirdly shallow. If I had a whole load of one night stands I imagine my self confidence around women might improve to a degree that a more meaningful relationship would be a less distant goal. Or something. Bring on the pussy.
Word. I talk about poop to new guys with the utmost confidence, and I'd say in situations where I pursue I have like a 95% success rate
That doesn't even count. You're an attractive woman. That's like playing with god mode enabled. You could get laid by simply asking random strangers on the sidewalk if they want to fuck, and I'm completely serious about that. If you're in the mood for beefcake, you can just walk into a gym, grab a guy, and drag him into the showers.

So don't even pretend you're playing the same game.
it is a little different, I guess I was talking more about charming people enough where you exchange numbers than porking
That doesn't even count. You're an attractive woman. That's like playing with god mode enabled. You could get laid by simply asking random strangers on the sidewalk if they want to fuck, and I'm completely serious about that. If you're in the mood for beefcake, you can just walk into a gym, grab a guy, and drag him into the showers.

So don't even pretend you're playing the same game.

Couldn't this apply to women as well?
Say if a good-looking lad walked up to a girl and started talking about poop and get laid that night?

I don't think it's that easy, guys still tend to have to display a little bit of dominance and brains in order to get what they want, unless they're approaching skanks who would fuck anything. Male and female minds work very differently but still with the same goal, but I'm pretty sure you already know that.
it is a little different, I guess I was talking more about charming people enough where you exchange numbers than porking
Oh, okay. Things are definitely more equal when it comes to are far more selective about who they date than who they'd randomly fuck.
I want to date a more tanned version of Mary Elizabeth Winstead, with a really curvy butt. She should have pretty feet and cool taste in music as well. Oh and she has to be really cuddly and generally a warm person who appreciates anal. Cooking skills would be a bonus too.